Books (Ch. 3)

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The sound coming off (Y/n)'s phone woke her up from her slumber. She tried to reach for the small piece of technology that was resting on her nightstand beside her bed. When the female managed to finally reach it, she brought it in front of her face to look at the time and turn off the hellish sound - which she immediately regretted because of the light from the screen. Successfully turning off the alarm, (y/n) sat up on her bed and released a yawn while stretching her arms.

She made her way to her bathroom to do her morning routine. After dressing up on some decent clothing - which is a simple (f/c) shirt and a pair of black jeans - (y/n) made her way to her door while putting some of her necessities to her small backpack. She also managed to carry the book that she was going to return to the library today.

(Y/n) was glad that it wasn't too sunny outside today. She enjoyed this kind of weather, just the right clouds above the blue sky covering the earth from the heat of the sun. She made her way to the library a couple of blocks away from her home. 'Maybe I should grab some breakfast before going there' she thought, taking note of her grumbling stomach. She decided to do just that, but still traveling the same path to the library because there was a café that was only a couple of steps away from her original destination that she can pass by.

It was Sunday today and she didn't have to open up her shop so she has the whole day to do whatever she wants. Most of the time, the female just heads out to the library to return some of the books that she borrowed for some inspiration for her paintings while also not forgetting to borrow another batch for the next few days. Sometimes she also hangs out with Fuyumi at a nearby mall or even visit her at the Todoroki residence, but she wanted to be alone today. Not because she doesn't like the company of her friend but you know, everyone likes to be by themselves every once in a while.

When she finally reached the cafè, she immediately smelled the aroma of coffee in the air. Upon entering, she was assisted by a crew to a nearby booth where she can sit and enjoy her breakfast. She ordered some pancakes and a cup of coffee (a/n: feel free to change your drink if you're not into coffee). After a few minutes of waiting, her order was finally served and she immediately ate, satisfying her stomach. While finishing her coffee she found herself looking at the people passing by the streets, looking at no one in particular. After a few minutes, she finally decided to leave the café and go to the library, of course not forgetting to ask for the bill in order to pay for the food.

The female is now waiting for the pedestrian traffic light to turn green so she can cross the road leading to the library - which she can now see in front of her. The building sas only a couple of steps away from the crosswalk. While waiting, she is caught observing her surroundings for the nth time today, just scanning the people around her. When she moved her gaze in front of her, she almost forgot to breathe when she saw a pair of golden orbs looking directly at her from across the crosswalk.

(Y/n) couldn't believe her eyes, thinking that she might just be imagining things. She blinked her (e/c) orbs a few times and looked at the direction where the man was standing. She couldn't understand the way she felt when their eyes met, she was about to call him but she was stunned when the male gave her a close- eyed smile - that's what she thinks, considering the fact that the lower part of his face was covered with the same black mask that he was wearing the first time day met. But before (Y/n) can finally react, a passenger bus passed by in front of her, blocking her view of the man across the road. She felt quite impatient because of this, awaiting for the huge vehicle to pass but the moment that it finally happened, the man who held amber eyes was gone.

(Y/n) sat down on one of the chairs inside the library. She already returned the book that she carried inside her bag a few moments ago. The artist put down the books that she has selected on the table in front of her — she already picked out books that she will be borrowing. She couldn't help but let out a sigh when she remembered what happened at the crosswalk, she tried searching for the man after crossing but in the end, she just couldn't find him. 'Maybe that was just a hallucination or something.' she thought.

The female decided to just scan the books that she borrowed after convincing herself that she might have just gone crazy for a moment there. (Y/n) picked out the book that she borrows at least every other week. It was a compilation of pictures of trees and of course, flowers from all over the world. The pictures were taken by one of her favorite photographers, that's why she immediately took a liking to it. Also, the fact that most of her paintings are inspired by nature, the book is a really helpful reference for her.

(Y/n) flipped one of the pages of the book but she halted when a piece of paper that was put in between of the pages fell. She picked up the paper from the floor. "What the hell?" She muttered, while looking at the paper on her hand and reading the words that were neatly scribbled.

Y/n L/n,

Don't you think that the flowers near the Sakura park are quite lovely?

See you there.

- Kai Chisaki


Hi, guys! Sorry for the boring chapters but I promise that the next ones will be much more exciting!! Thank you  for reading this story, hope you'll still be until the very end! 😊💕

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