Agreement (Ch. 8)

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"Rie-chan, I can't sleep." the girl nudged her sleeping brother softly, causing for the boy to wake up. Rie slowly opened his eyes, yawning from waking up at a difficult time of the day.

He blinked slowly before focusing his eyesight at the figure infront of him. (Y/n) was looking at him, tears brimming in the corner of her eyes.

"What time is it, (N/n)?" the older boy asked.

(Y/n) shakes her head, "I don't know. I couldn't sleep, Rie-chan." the girl repeated to her twin.

"Another nightmare?" Rie asked, his twin responding with a simple nod. The boy sighed and gave his sister a warm smile of his own while sitting up on his bed.

"Don't worry, I'll protect you from your nightmares. Come here." he continued, tapping the space on his bed. Little (Y/n)'s expression then suddenly became bright and she immediately jumped on her brother's bed.

The little boy then decided to lay on his bed again, his sister following his actions. Rie adjusted the blanket to make his twin more comfortable.

"Thank you, Rie-chan." the girl smiled warmly at her brother, receiving the same expression from him as a reply.

"Don't mention it." said the boy, patting his sister's head.

"Rie-chan... is... my hero. Goodni..." (Y/n) says, slowly dozing off. Her brother observing her with love and affection to his one and only remaining family member.

"Goodnight, (N/n)." the boy replied softly, as he also fell asleep beside his twin sister.

After going out to eat some dinner with Tamaki - which the male insisted on paying as a way for him to cheer up (Y/n) - the female unlocked the door to her home. She switched on the lights at the first floor, then slowly made her way upstairs.

As she travels up to her staircase, (Y/n) couldn't shake the feeling of eyes, keeping watch on her every move. She has noticed this since morning, that's why she couldn't stop shaking on the inside because of the fear and anxiety consuming her. Her time with Tamaki made her feel safer, but now that she's alone, she's back to being the coward that she is.

Finally, after reaching the second floor, the artist felt like running downstairs. She was met with Chisaki's cold amber eyes. (Y/n) wanted to act surprised but she couldn't, she knew that they were bound to meet today. The female took the ravenette as a man of his words, someone who would come to the said meeting that they set that's why, she expected him to be inside her home once she comes back.


"Welcome back." the man - who was sitting at one of the chairs (Y/n) had at her dining area- replied. The female hesitated on what to reply so she was left glued where she was standing, silence filled the whole area.

"Come take a seat." Chisaki gestured the chair at the opposite side of the table. (Y/n) gulped at her own saliva, carefully making her way to the chair. She sat down as quietly as possible, taking note of how she released a sigh of relief. Not because of being able to get close to the man, but because she was finally able to sit down after enduring the shaking of her legs from the anxiety that she's feeling.

"I believe we need to discuss about your decision on my proposal today." the ravenette continued, giving the woman his signature smile under his mask.

"A-about that, C-chisaki - san..." (Y/n) felt her sweat drop on the corners of her face. Chisaki raised one of his eyebrows to indicate that he's listening to what the female has to say.

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