Departure (Ch. 12)

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The next day, (Y/n) couldn't help but to get up early and paint something. Her mind has been bugging her to paint the whole night but at least, she managed to sleep the thought away. But when she woke up she couldn't muster to stop the tingling feeling inside of her that's pushing her to hold her paint brush and let it slide through a canvas to draw a picture using her colorful paints.

It has always been a habit of hers. Sometimes, she would wake up in the middle of the night just because an idea of a painting popped up inside her head and she would feel restless until the female would just give in and sacrifice her sleep just so her mind can finally be at peace.

(Y/n) - with a sigh- finally dips her paint brush to the small jar of water resting at the top of her work table. She scans the finished work, and couldn't understand why out of all the people that she knew, she painted the ravenette that have been the cause of her nightmares and her dear brother who's the source of her strength- a very unusual combination. But the most noticeable part of her work was their eyes - she knew that Chisaki's eyes have always been the cause of her uneasiness but she couldn't fathom how those honey colored orbs have always seemed so familiar to her. Meanwhile, her brother's vermilion eyes were much more realistic than her expected result - it felt cold and somewhat distant, a huge difference from Rie's warm ones.

The artist just decided to shake these thoughts off. She got up from her seat and let herself stretch, she has been slouching while painting so ther sound that her back made was very satisfying to her ears. She then found herself glancing at the top of another one of her tables inside her studio where an envelope lying there with the name of the elf-eared boy had been written - indicating that it was for him.

The artist still didn't understand why Tamaki kissed her. She was very puzzled especially that she knew the boy was way younger than her and isn't even at a legal age yet, although he would be turning eighteen in a few months. But that wasn't really what kept on bugging her. It was the fact that her heart couldn't stop beating like crazy to the point that she had to write down her feelings on a letter. 'Nope. This is just another phase. I haven't dated anyone yet so maybe I'm a late bloomer and just confused with my feelings-'

Her attention was then immediately brought downstairs when her doorbell let off a sound. (Y/n) hurriedly took the envelope, putting it inside one of her pockets then she made her way to her front door. 'It must be them' she thought, expecting the men that the ravenette had told her about.

The artist opened the door, she saw two men who looked very unusual (at least, for her) standing in front of her door. One of the men has a very massive build, wearing a green top-tank that he paired with green jeans. But the most unusual thing about him was the mask that he was wearing - one that looks like a beak that somehow looks like a plague mask. While the other man was shorter and has strange hair that resembles an arrow. 'Must be due to his quirk' she guessed. She also took note of how the latter was wearing some sort of white cloak, covering his clothes and didn't wear the same mask as the other man.

(Y/n) tried her best to take a peek behind them, and saw a black van parked in front of her house. The female then heard someone clear their throat to get her attention, which she responded by meeting the grey eyes of the culprit.

"We were sent by Overhaul to pick you up." the man said. (Y/n) never heard of someone called 'Overhaul' but she decided that it must have been Chisaki so she just gave the man a nod and gave them some space to get inside. The bulkier man seemed to have trouble to fit inside the door, but after a few tries he managed to get himself inside.

She saw the two men observing her house, her flower shop and the paintings that were hanged on the walls, taking note of how the men seemed to focus their attention at the hydrangea painting. The female decided to break the silence. "I-I'll go get my luggage upstairs, t-then we can go." she said, awkwardly making her away to the stairs.

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