Trap (Ch. 18)

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(Y/n) cautiously put her hands on Chisaki's gloved ones that was awkwardly waiting in the air. The man's grip tightened immediately when they made contact and she almost flinched because of it.

"Let's go." the ravenette said as he pulled her through the door.

The woman was greeted with the cold breeze of the night, the air gently caressing her skin. She almost hugged herself with her arms to at least warm herself up, but she decided not to do so. She didn't want to get Chisaki's attention.

(Y/n) decided to just look at her surroundings, to at least distract herself. She saw a traditional Japanese style garden in front of her. There was a little pond with a bamboo fountain and a few colorful fishes swimming in it - 'kois' she thought. She also saw a few bamboo trees that were swaying with the air and made creaking sounds as they do so. She found the sound emanating from the said trees a little creepy.

When she lifted her head slightly to look in front of her, she saw her husband's back facing her. (Y/n) noticed how the man's short ebony lock's would sway with the wind, its tips seemed glowing under the moonlight - she was entranced with her view. Chisaki's back was broad and seemed hard, she thought that the man might have been working out or it may have been a result of whatever work he does in Shie Hassaikai. At that moment, she wondered how it might feel under her touch, with this sudden thought, she felt her cheeks and ears heat up.

The artist knew it was inappropriate to think that way about her kidnapper. She wanted to slap her face to at least knock her to her senses but she knew that despite all of her thoughts to refrain from being attracted to the ravenette's looks - she acknowledge deep inside of her that Chisaki Kai is a stunningly breathtaking man.

But she was immediately released from her thoughts when the man glanced at her and stopped on their tracks and let go of her hand.

She gave a questioning look at the ravenette but the latter was busy removing his olive jacket.

"Wear this." the man said, giving the jacket to his wife.

(Y/n) didn't move and just stared at the piece of clothing, Chisaki took this a sign to talk again.

"Your face looks red because of the cold air, wear this. You should have at least told me that you're freezing." he continued.

(Y/n) felt her cheeks flush even more, especially that she knew her face wasn't red because of the cold wind. She immediately grabbed the jacket and put it on so that her husband would at least continue on ignoring her and walk again.

"T-thank you..." she muttered.

With that, Chisaki grabbed her hand again and continued to walk towards the gate that was in front of them.

(Y/n) doesn't have any clue where they were headed but an unusual feeling inside of her told her that she should just let her husband take her anywhere he wants and that's what she did.


After a while, the newly weds arrived at their destination. During the whole trip, (Y/N) expected to be blind folded when they got inside the van but to her surprise Chisaki let her see through the tinted windows.

She realized how much she had missed going out and seeing other people - of course, escaping and trying to get help from anyone came across her mind but she decided it will be futile knowing that her husband was holding her hand the entire time. She still didn't know what the ravenette's quirk was, and she didn't want to risk getting hurt just to know it especially that her family might be the ones to suffer the consequences.

Chisaki stepped out of the vehicle and she followed behind, while Chrono kept a look out from other people. Once she looked at her surroundings, she was awe-struck because of the view. They were at the top of a cliff, overseeing the whole city. She was fascinated with the glimmering lights from the tall buildings and the stalls from the markets. The streets were filled with people walking to wherever they needed to.

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