Goodbyes (Ch. 9)

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In one swift motion, Chisaki managed to dodge the female's hand. He couldn't believe how fast (Y/n) moved, it seemed like the woman has experience in combat because of her movements. 'If I was any second late with my movement, I would have been done.' he thought.

Just before the female can once again try to come in contact with the male, Chisaki dodged and removed the glove he was wearing on his right hand. Immediately, he ran towards the woman and let his fingers run on the artist's arm. With that, blood and a few disassembled body parts was the only thing that remained from the female.

"That will make you calm down for a while." he muttered.

"(N/n), wake up... Hey!"

The little girl woke up from the familiar voice. She blinked her eyes a few times to let it adjust from the light coming from the window inside her room. It was dark inside the room but the light from the moon that was reflecting from the window told her that it's way too early to be awake. Her wide (e/c) orbs shifting to her brother, standing beside her bed.

"Rie... What is it? W-what time is it?" she asked, letting herself sit on top of the bed. (Y/n) noticed her twin holding a piece of bread with one of his hands. The boy then grabbed the little girl's hand and placed the tiny piece of bread in it.

"Eat up before they wake up." he whispered while trying to look at the door, as if being cautious that someone might suddenly open it and saw what they were doing.

"Where did you get this, Rie? T-they might get mad! W-what if–" the boy immediately shushed his sister.

"They might hear us. It doesn't matter where I got it, just eat up. You haven't eaten anything since yesterday." the boy said. His twin looking at him as tears started to fall down from her tired eyes.

Rie rested his hand on top of his sister's head and started to pat it softly." Come on, don't cry. " he whispered again, trying to comfort his sister.

"B-but Rie... W-what about y-you? We c-can share–"

"Don't worry about me, (N/n). One of the customers a while ago gave me some food." he said, cutting the girl off once again.

The little girl tried to wipe away some of the tears flowing from her own eyes with her tiny hand. "A-are you sure?" she asked once again, her brother just gave her a small smile and a nod. With this, she then started to bite off from the piece of bread that was given to her, chiewing slowly to let her savor the meal.

"Rie, w-what's that?" she asked, pointing at the little boy's neck. The male twin's eyes widened and he immediately covered his neck with his hands. "I-is that a bruise? Who d-did that to you?" the little girl continued asking questions.

Rie forced a smile to form on his face, hoping that his sister would be fooled by it. He didn't want her to worry about him, especially now that he saw how much she has gotten thinner in the past few days.

"I fell down while I was trying to go down the stairs." he lied while her sister just gave him a suspicious look.

"You s-should stop working f-for–"

"I just fell down, that's all. I swear." again, for the third time the girl was cut off again.

Understanding that her own brother didn't want to talk about it, she just kept quiet. Little (Y/n) biting off tiny pieces from the bread, she let herself gaze outside of the window, the moon looking down at her as its light tries to bring a little hope to their cruel world.
(Y/n) woke up from the light that was coming from her window beside her bed. She didn't know why, but her body felt much lighter than usual. She blinked a few times, letting her eyesight adjust to the light. Slowly, she pushed herself to sit up on her bed.

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