Chapter 10

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- Akaashi

"Bokuto Fukuro Kotaro, sit your ass down this instant!" I demanded, stamping my foot on the floor and pointing to the bed, glaring at the fool in front of me.

"I'm fine," he grunted, trying to take a step forward. He stumbled, and would have fallen to the floor if Daichi hadn't caught him.

"You okay?" Daichi asked, and Bokuto nodded weakly.

"Kotaro-san, you should really listen to Keiji-san," Hinata chided, coming out from behind Mrs. Sugawara.

"When do I ever listen to him?" Bokuto scoffed, letting go of Daichi and attempting to walk again. I sighed, walking around the bed and over to him, and reached him just as he tripped again.

"Woah," I steadied, basically holding Bokuto upright as he clutched onto my oversized t-shirt for dear life. Koinu came over and I helped Bokuto lean his weight off me and onto his wolf, and reluctantly walk back to the bed. As Bokuto slowly lowered himself back onto the blankets Okami came over to me, and we shared a knowing look. The boys and wolves had come home around three days ago, and had been very surprised to find a very sick Bokuto and a very restless me.

"Is he really okay?" Konoha asked sceptically, looking at my mate. It had been three weeks since Bokuto got sick, and even though his fever was gone and the virus had passed he was still terribly weak, needing my assistance in everything from changing to using the toilet. His appetite hadn't returned either, which worried me.

"I'm honestly okay," Bokuto insisted, waving off the concern. He smiled a little at me. "Just tired, that's all."

"What do I keep telling you?" I lectured, walking over and pushing him down against the mattress, pulling the covers up over him. "You need your strength. If you're tired, go to bed, please. You're starting to worry me."

"Fine," he grumbled. "But only 'cause I'm worrying you, and I don't want to do that. You don't need any extra stress right now."

"Good," I said, standing upright again. The others started to stream out of the barn, leaving only me and Bokuto and the wolves, who laid down next to the bed and closed their eyes.

"Besides," Bokuto started tiredly, closing his eyes and sinking further into the bedding. "I need to be at full strength so I can help you when you give birth soon. . ."

"That's right," I smiled gently, pushing away the hair from his face. "I hit six months in a week. Only three more months, Kou. Then we get to see the little bundle that's brought us so much joy." Bokuto smiled and hummed happily.

"I can't wait to meet them. . ." he trailed off, his voice starting to fade as he fell asleep. I stood and started towards the exit, but Bokuto's voice held me back.


"What is it, love?" I asked, turning around. Bokuto had his eyes open, though it was obviously hard.

"Can I kiss you?" he mumbled sleepily. "And not a forehead peck, I mean like a real kiss." I sighed and walked back over to him, crouching down next to the bed to the best of my ability. I leaned forward, gently pressing my lips to his warm ones. It was our first kiss in almost a month, and I could sense the longing in Bokuto as he tried to prolong the kiss for as long as possible. I eventually had to pull away for air, and stood up again before I could kiss him again and delay his sleep any longer.

"Good night, love," I whispered, walking to the exit. By the time I was out of the door Bokuto was sound asleep, smiling just the faintest bit.


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