Chapter 18

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(I teared up writing this not gonna lie.)

- Bokuto

Nothing, that's what I felt. I simply stared, wondering if I was dreaming. Kuroo was the first one to sense something was off, and I heard him shift uncomfortably.

"Bo? What's wrong?" he asked, but I barely heard it. My breathing was so shallow I was starting to wonder if I was even breathing myself, and it took a few seconds for me to register the warm hand on my shoulder that belonged to Mrs. Konoha.

"Bokuto-kun, what's the matter?" she asked softly, as if I were a piece of glass about to break, which wasn't far off.

"I can't hear his heartbeat," I whispered, voice so quiet I wasn't sure she would be able to hear me.

Mrs. Konoha removed her hand from my shoulder as if my skin was freezing, eyes wide.

"Are you sure?" Kuroo asked, voice surprisingly strong as he strode over. Even though denial was clouding my brain and making it almost impossible to think, I still had enough reason left to think what about Asami? before I noticed her safe in Kenma's arms with her brother.

Kuroo reached past me to Keiji's wrist, checking for himself. After a few seconds Kuroo jerked back, letting go of Keiji and backing away abruptly, eyes wide.

"No. . ." he whispered in disbelief. "This isn't happening. . ."

"Well it is, Kuroo!" I shouted, anger raging in me. Kuroo had the nerve to look hurt and I thought about snapping at him again, but as soon as the thought came it passed. All the fight had been drained out of me, and I allowed my face to fall in despair, lowering my head. This is it, I thought. This is where it ends. Asami and Hiro can't survive a few more hours without Keiji. They're both going to-

My outburst must have been really loud, since at that moment Hiro woke up and started crying, making Asami wake up as well. She didn't cry, but I could tell she was definitely upset.

I was just about to offer taking Hiro to calm him down since I couldn't be a shit father, plus I had to cherish the precious few hours I still had left with them, but a small gasp interrupted. Wait a minute. . . I thought. I know that voice.

I slowly turned my head, eyes wide, just in time to see Keiji break into a fit of coughs, his free hand weakly coming up to his mouth in a fist.

For a moment, I couldn't do anything. Everyone in the room stood perfectly still, the only sound Hiro's crying.

Then I was rushing forward, and Keiji was in my arms once again.

"I don't believe this. . ." I sobbed quietly, my tears wetting the hospital gown Keiji was still wearing. "I can't believe you're alive, I heard your heart stop. . ."

Behind me Kuroo let out a loud yell of excitement, and Mrs. Sugawara grinned and put her hands on her hips, shaking her head in disbelief. Even stoic Kenma was smiling, looking relieved.

"What's going on?" Keiji asked weakly, his voice raspy.

"You died," I answered, making my tone over-dramatic to lighten the mood. "Holy shit, Keiji, I know I say this a lot, but you're a goddamn miracle."

"I what?" Keiji asked, looking very confused and a little scared.

"Nothing, love," I said, giving his forehead a sloppy kiss. "I'm just so glad you're awake, I was so scared I lost you."

"Ugh," Keiji said, clutching his head with his free hand. "Why am I so dizzy?"

"That's to be expected, Keiji-kun," Mrs. Sugawara chuckled. "You just lost most of the blood in your body."

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