Chapter 1 - alone in the dark

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Guan Shan groaned as he rolled over to face his wall. Fuck who's calling him. It's... he turns again to face his clock, 3 A.M!! Who the fuck is trying to call him at THIS hour?!


"Shut up..." he groans into his pillow.


Guan Shan throws his pillow across his room and sits up. He runs a hand through is red hair and sighs.

"God dammit..."

He grabs his phone and checks who in the love of god was calling him. He knew better than to think it was anyone else but that poor excuse of a human being, he tian, except... it was unknown? He opened the messages.

Hey redhead.

Don't ignore me...

I know you're awake.

Guan Shan stared at his phone wide eyed. Who the hell is that? He felt his heart racing. *thud* he jumped at the sudden sound.


Where was it coming from? Guan Shan looked around to see a rock hit his window.



Come towards your window. I want to talk to you.

Guan shan
Who the fuck are you?

Come outside.


Guan Shan gulped loudly. He was terrified. Who the hell was this person and why did they know where he lived?


Guan Shan jumped out of bed when he heard their front door get kicked down. He quickly got his pocket knife and phone and hid inside his closet.

First thing he wanted, no, needed to do was make sure his mom was safe, she should still be at work..He opened his messages trying to ignore the footsteps getting closer and closer by the second.

Guan Shan

Guan Shan? Aren't you supposed to be asleep? You've got school tomorrow.

Guan Shan
Mom. Listen to me. Do NOT come home tonight. Stay at a friends.

What? Why? Are you okay?

Guan Shan
Please mom. I just have a friend over..

He lied. He knew if he told his mom where he was she's put herself in danger right away. No fucking way was he going to let his mother do that.

Okay, sweetheart. Have fun, love you!

He let out a silent sigh knowing his mom was safe and automatically got taken out of his thoughts when a hand reached his throat.

Guan Shan stared at the owner of the hand and widened his eyes to see a figure taller than he was. Wight hair, dull yellow eyes, and a huge devilish smile.

"S-she li-"

She li put his finger on Guan Shan's lips, "shhh... just go back to sleep.." She li tightens his grip on Guan Shan and slams him against the wall enough to knock him out cold.

Guan Shan falls limb as she li carries him over his shoulder and laughs maniacally and he walks out of the cold apartment.

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"Ughh..." Guan Shan groaned as he slowly regained his senses and vision.

It was dark. Not a single window to shed light. The only light was the candle next to him. Burning. Almost out.

His head started pounding, where the fuck was he? He tried to make an effort to massage his head but his arms wouldn't budge. What the..?

Guan Shan soon realizes that his hands and feet were tried to a chair with what seemed like chain.

—Calm down Guan Shan.. i'm sure there's a reason for this.. just.. focus on something.—

—Candle. Chain. Chair. Door. Repeat. Candle. Chain. Chair. Door. Repeat. Candle. Chain. Chair. Do—


Guan Shan's thoughts were immediately paused by a door creaking. He snaps his head up to look at his captor.

"I see you're awake.."

"She li, you sick FREAK get me out of here. NOW."

"Whoah..." she li steps inside and flips a switch shining a blinding light towards guan Shan. "You sure you want to speak to me like that..?"

"Fuck you."

She li steps closer swiftly grabbing the candle by guan Shan.

"I wouldn't talk like that when you're in this kind of situation.." - "oh fuck you! What the hell is wrong with your damn mind?!"

She li clicks his tongue as lifts up guan Shan shirt with his right hand and pours the hot candle wax with the other.

"AGH!" Guan Shan holds back a scream.

"I'd watch your attitude around me." He lifts up the candle, "unless you like pain..?"

"What the hell do you want" Guan Shan growls.

"What I want?" He sets the candle back to its original place, the warm fire gone. She li walks back to the door and shuts off the light. "just wait and you'll see.." he slams the door closed leave guan Shan alone. In the dark.

Guan Shan ignores the burning pain in his stomach as he tries hard to bite down his cries.

Why? Why did this kind of thing always happen to him? He looked around and soon his vision became blurry as his eyes filled with tears.

Guan Shan lets out a small cry as he looks down at the ground. Shamefully, he lets out his tears and curses at the world for this cruel treatment.

For what seemed like hours, Guan Shan soon fell asleep from all the crying. Hoping. Hoping that maybe when he wakes up, this nightmare would be over. He would be home, in his comfortable bed and his mom would gently knock on his door to tell him to wake up cause he's going to be late. He'll get dressed and go to school, only to be annoyed by he tian.

But he knew. Deep down inside he knew that this nightmare was real. He would wake up to darkness and chained limbs. Broken and alone. Just like before.

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