Chapter four - the search

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She li smirks devilishly as guan Shan's eyes get used to his surroundings once again. Guan Shan stares at she li blankly.

"Aw come on, it's only been two days since you've been gone" she li walks around guan Shan's chair, "it seems that no one really cares that you're gone.."

Guan Shan felt his heart clench. He knew he wasn't the best person there ever was but, he wasn't that bad. To go as far as not even noticing he was gone, that was hurtful. Even his own mother?

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But oh, how guan Shan was so wrong. When his mother had received the message at 3A.M, she thought guan Shan was in trouble. Fortunately, he had told her he was fine and only had a friend over. His mom hadn't thought it was weird since, guan Shan would sometimes be talking on the phone around that time. When she had come back home the next day at night, she automatically panicked when she had seen their door busted down. She had ran inside only to see that nothing was stolen, but guan Shan wasn't there and his phone left behind..

She had immediately panicked and grabbed guan Shan's phone only to find out it was out of battery. She quickly plugged it in and called he tian, hoping her precious son was safe at his house.

"Mrs. Mo?" He tians voice was croaky.

"He tian dear, sorry to bother you so late but, by any chance is mo guan Shan by your place..?" She asked as her voice was shaking.

There was a pause and a sound of ruffling.

"No..? He's not at home?" He asked.

"Erm no, yesterday he had told me he had a friend over and I'm barely coming home today." She pauses when she hears the wind howling cold wind towards her small flat. "I found the door broken down. Nothing was stolen but guan Shan wasn't here but his phone was... I was hoping he went to you.."

Mrs. Mo eyes started to water. She hoped her son was safe and sound. That he got away in time before anything bad happened to him.

"Mrs.Mo I'll be right over. You can stay at my place while we figure this out. He probably just ran to a friends house.."

He tian knew that was a lie. Guan Shan wouldn't go to anyone for help. Not even in the most dire situations. Though he couldn't help but feel a angry with himself. How could he not have realized guan Shan was gone? How could he be so stupid.

After five minutes or so, he tian pulled up in front of their apartment and noticed the door was broken down. Nails and screws scattered all over the stairs and door way. He froze for a good five seconds before proceeding to make his way into the small flat.

"He tian!" Mrs. Mo ran out hugging him. Tears in her eyes as she hoped her son was safe.

He tian stood there. Unknowingly, he wrapped his arms around mrs. Mo to try to calm her down. He looked around the room with his calculating eyes as pictured what could have happened to his little mo.

Once mrs. Mo unwrapped her arms from he tian she slowly made her way towards the kitchen to cook something for the both. He tian stepped inside and carefully walked into guan Shan's room.

There was a giant mess. Look like guan Shan tried to fight whoever this person was. He looked to guan Shan's bed and noticed his phone charging. He makes his way towards it and sits down on the small blue bed. He picks up the phone.


He tian feels his phone vibrate. He carefully picks it up to see a message from that unknown person.

Unknow sent an image

He carefully opened his phone, scrolled through his apps until he found his messages. Once he saw the context of the picture, his eyes widened as anger quickly flushed all over his body. His fists clenched.

The picture was guan shan. Tied up. Gagged. Blinded. Blood all over his body.

I have your toy...

He tian
Who the fuck are you and where is guan Shan.

If I told you, it wouldn't be as fun...

He tian gritted his teeth. He was getting extremely impatient. He needed to know where his redhead was and he needed the information now.

He tian
Where is he.


Maybe I'll send you the address.. if I do, it's best if you come... alone.

He tian threw his phone across the small room as he pulled at his black locks.

"Is everything okay there?" Mrs mo yelled from the kitchen. Obviously she heard the random thud against the wall. Of course she would be worried.

"Everything's fine.. I just.." he thinks of something to say as an excuse. What will possibly sound believable to a sound like that.
"I just dropped my phone.." pathetic.

"Alright son, be more careful alright?" Her voice slowly gets softer by the second. He tian needed to act quickly if he wanted for Mrs mo to have her son back. Though she tried acting strong he knew, he knew that she was scared to know where her son was.


He tian lifted his head from his clutching hands and stood up his full height to grab his now cracked phone. He narrows his eyes at the message.

1136 s. Elm
Behind the building.

He tian clenched his fists even tighter as he pulled up a phone number he wished he'd never have to call ever again in his life.

He placed his phone next to his ear and waited as his patience ran extremely low.

"Tian." The voice answered

"I need your help."


There was a pause.

"You already know what the end of our deal is, right."

Tension filled the air as he tian stood in the center of guan Shan's bed room. He took a deep breath.

"Of course I do... Brother."

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