Chapter five - the plan

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"What do you need."

"Your underlings."

"May I ask why, tian?"

"Someone.. someone important to me is in trouble."

"Alright. I'll be by your house in 20.."

He tian breaths out and end the call. He tries to wear his fake smile to assure guan Shan's mother that everything will be alright. He walks out of guan Shan's room and over to the kitchen smelling the delicious air filled with freshly cooked beef stew. Beef stew.. mo cooked him that all the time. He tians smile turned sad as he remembers all the times that stubborn redhead had yelled at him for eating the same thing everyday.


"Little mo~" he tian sweetly called as he placed his head on his right hand to stare at guan Shan do his homework.

"Shut the fuck up. I'm trying to concentrate." Guan Shan's swatted away he  tian only to have him move closer.

"Momo, how about you come over to my house after school~" he tian poked guan Shan's cheeks.

Guan Shan sighed, "do I even have a fucking choice?" He looked at he tians sparkling eyes, he blushed "d-don't answer that."

"Hm?" He tian tilted his head. "Little mo, how about you make me some beef stew"

Guan Shan furiously turned his head to face the raven haired man, "WHAT?!"

"I said I wanted-"


The redhead lifted his hands as if trying to say something but the words wouldn't come out. "YOU CANT EAT THE SAME FUCKING THING ALL THE DAMN TIME! DONT YOU FUCKING GET TIRED OF THAT SHIT?!"

He tian leaned in closer and wrapped his arm around mo. "Hm..? You wanna repeat that?"

Guan Shan turned back around facing his papers "...."

"B-beef stew it is, chicken dick."

End of flashback~

"He tian?"

He tian snapped out of his thoughts and focused his grey eyes towards the small voice calling him. "Huh- oh, sorry I was... thinking." He smiles.

Mrs. Mo smiles softly as she nods, handing he tian his plate and setting the table. "We'll leave after you finish eating. I'll call the cops." She said as she turned to walk towards the living room.

"No." Guan Shan's mother stops in her tracks. She slowly turns to he tian, he tian doesn't look away from his plate to look at mrs. Mo's eyes.

"I.. I mean.." he breaths out. "Let's try to figure this out first. If we still can't find him, we'll call them. Just... just not now." He finally turns to face her.

She slowly looked down then back to he tian. "Alright.." she fiddled with her thumbs "I'll go pack some things then.." she smiles sweetly as she turns back around to enter her bedroom.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

After he tian had finished. He gave a ride to mrs. Mo as he kept offering to take care of her in his apartment, she insisted that she'd stay in a nearby hotel. After a long "argument" he tian gave in and drove her towards the nearest hotel. She smiled and walked inside as he tian drove away. Once he tian got to his so called home, he noticed a black car parked near the entrence. His brother must have gotten there already. He let out a long breath he didn't know he was holding as he walked into the cold skyscraper towards his home.

He tian walks inside towards the elevator and presses on the 10th floor button. After two or three minutes, he swiftly opened his door only to see his brother sitting down on his couch.

"Took you long enough..." he cheng blankly announces as he tian slams the door shut.

He tian didn't move nor did he say anything. He just stood his ground and glared at his brother.

He cheng stood up and slowly made his way to his uneasy brother.

"I have things to do so..." he walks his way behind he tian towards the kitchen to grab himself a drink. "Tell me what it is you need.."

Silence. He tian didn't even have a clue of what he was going to say. He can't say he's too close to this person because, his brother might try to use him to get he tian to join their stupid family and their stupid business.

He cheng noticed his brother acting odd quickly. After all, he took care of that brat for most of his life. Obviously he tian is out of it. Pathetic. Showing his weakness so... easily..

He cheng slams his cup against the floor and startles he tian.

"Tian... look I know what you're worried about."

"No you don't."

"Yes, I do." He cheng leans against the white counter. "You're worried I might use that kid as an excuse to make you join our... family."

He tian glanced up to see his brother staring blankly at him.

"I won't do anything of the sort." He cheng stood straight and crossed his arms around his chest. "I promise."

He tian's eyes widened at the sudden promise but he quickly pulled his expression to a flat line across his lips. He straightens his back as he glares at his brother. "What's the catch."

He cheng blankly stares at he tian. He sighs and slowly walks toward he tian, who wouldn't move a muscle.

"You have to come home."

"Fuck you. I'm not goi- I'm not seeing him."

"Then I'm not helping you."

He tian knew there was no way to change his brothers mind. But he couldn't just let it go, guan Shan needed him! And god dammit would he go through fucking lengths to make sure guan Shan is safe and happy.

"How long." He tian mutters.


"I said how long." His voice raises.

He cheng checks his watch and sighs again. "two weeks."

He tian sighs and clenches his fists.

"Fine. But if he doesn't show up like the last time, I'm leaving."


He cheng steps back from his brother to give him space, "now..." he runs his hand through his black and grey hair "what do I need to do.."

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