Chap 2, Chance Encounter

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"Come on, Hunk," Lance whined from behind his best friend. "You got to take point last time. Why do you get to do it again?"

"Because I'm bigger and stronger than you," his dark skinned friend rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, but that means there's more of you for them to eat," Lance sighed, lifting his rifle to look through the scope. "Wouldn't it make sense to let my lean body go first? I'm faster than you anyway."

"Which is why you should stay in the back," Hunk turned to glare at his long time friend. "Besides, aren't you the one who keeps calling yourself the Sharpshooter? You can't exactly take good shots if the zombies are too close."

"Yeah, yeah," Lance sighed, adjusting his grip on the weapon.

He was so busy looking through the scope, that he nearly tripped over something furry. Hearing a low whine, Lance looked down to see a dog of sorts staring at him almost pleadingly.

"Uh, Hunk," Lance called.

"Look Lance," Hunk groaned. "You aren't taking point and that's final."

"Hunk," Lance snapped.

Hunk finally turned around at his friend's tone of voice. " that?"

"It looks like a dog," Lance shrugged, bending down to the dog's eye level. "Are you lost, little guy?"

The tan dog just whined before turning around and heading right, near a cluster of run down houses. Lance and Hunk just stared at the pointed ears of the dog, wondering where this random dog came from and how it had survived the apocalypse. Most dogs were caught and eaten by starving survivors. So, this dog was either very smart, or had a human looking after it.

The dog paused and looked behind before whining again and rushing forward.

"I think he wants us to follow him," Lance blinked in surprise.

"He could be leading us into a trap," Hunk frowned, cocking his father's pistol at the dog.

"Or, he's injured and needs help," Lance huffed. "Come on, Hunk. I doubt this dog would harm us. He looks desperate."

Hunk sighed and scratched the back of his head. "Fine," he finally mumbled. "I'll lead, you watch my back."

"Fine," Lance rolled his eyes.

"I'm bossy because I care," Hunk reminded his lower ranked friend. "It's my duty as the alpha to protect you."

"Whatever," Lance said. "Let's just go."

So, the two males followed the strange dog, each being cautious on where they were headed. Lance faced behind with his gun raised so they wouldn't get any surprises. Hunk followed the dog with his own gun up.

They needn't worried, for the dog was smart enough to weave in and out of hiding spots whenever a zombie was nearby.

Finally, after what felt like hours, they reached an old two story house, whose shutters were mostly broken up and hanging by threads. The door had been kicked in, so Lance assumed there were no supplies left.

To both males' surprise, the dog led them not to the front door, but around to the backyard. There was a hole in the wooden fence where it appeared the dog had dug underneath to get in. Hunk unlatched and pulled open the rusty gate, both he and Lance wincing as the hinges creaked. Lance made sure to close the gate behind them before catching up to Hunk and the dog.

The dog finally stopped at a collapsing shed, wiggling himself through a tiny hole in the door. Hunk and Lance approached the shed carefully, both having their guns raised. Hunk was the first to peek through the dust-covered window. At his gasp, Lance pushed him aside to look too.

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