Chapter 1

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So this is Bungalow Love.. My first 1D Fanfiction :) Hope you like it!

Dedication: My best friend Lou <3 She knows who she is ;)


(Casey POV)

My eyes sleepily opened, the light streaming in through my windows. I groaned and sat up groggily, my long wavy brown hair flopping all over the place. I look at the alarm clock next to my bed and groan again, flopping back.

It was only 10 am. I could have gotten at least 2 more hours sleep. Oh well, I was up now.. 

I stumbled out of bed, down the hall and into the bathroom. Taking a quick shower, I pulled on a pair of high-waisted shorts, my vans and a baggy shirt. I shook my hair out, letting it dry naturally. I bounded downstairs, chirping a hello to my mother before grabbing an apple and I was out the back door in minutes, walking out the back gate and down a dirt path.

My name is Casey Hayward and I am 17 years old. I live in Cheshire, England in a little townhouse. I'm pretty short, sitting at 5"3. I have long, mid-back, maybe a little longer length dark brown hair and dark eyes. I'm slightly tan and people like to say I have a good body. I'm not that smart and I play guitar and sing. My best friend used to be Harry Styles.

Yeah I know. THE Harry Styles. Of THE famous One Direction. I doubt Harry even remembers me.. It's been years since I saw him..

You see, what happened was, Harry moved to Cheshire when he was 3, where he became my neighbor, living in the bungalow just down the road. Our mothers became very good friends and we did too. We did everything together. Until I was 11, and Harry was 12, and he moved back to Holmes Chapel, forgetting completely about me. But I never forgot him. And I never will.

I walked a little further down the dirt path, coming across a familiar old rusty gate.....


"Haz, wait up!" I giggled. 8 year old Harold Edward Styles grinned at me.

"Nuh UH!" He shouted and kept on running down the path.

"Harry stop!" I screamed. I had never been past here before. My best friend turned around and grinned.

"Don't worry Case. I got this." They had come to a gate. It was rusty and had a large padlock on it. Harry kicked up some of the dirt and there was an old key sitting in the dust. He picked it up and shoved it through the padlock. I followed my best friend through the gate hesitantly. But as I went through the gate, I was instantly relieved. The gate lead to the back part of the furthest paddock on Harry's property. 

This place became our place.


I sighed and kicked the dirt up, revealing a familiar key. I shoved it into the padlock and swung the gate open, leaving it ajar. I wandered around the paddock, remembered Harry. 

As I circled around it a 5th time, I heard laughs and splashes.

Hang on.

They were coming from the bungalow.

Silently, I crept over to the window of what I knew was a bedroom. Cautiously, I peered into the window.

The bed was unmade and clothes were everywhere. I heard more laughs and splashes and carefully crept around the back way, as I knew the pool was in the front. I saw that the bonfire pit had been used, ashes piling up at the bottom. I wandered quietly towards the laughing sound, stepping on the pebbles and peeking around the corner.

Then I saw him.

He had a mass of curly brown hair. He was smiling that big, adorable, dimpled smile. His green eyes shone and he was wearing Calvin Klein underwear.

"GET READY LADS!" He shouted.

Suddenly, he turned and saw me.


(Harry POV)

The boys and laughed as we stumbled across the pebbles at the bungalow. Liam jumped straight in the pool, Zayn following. Niall, laughing his head off, stuffed the last of his ham sandwich in his mouth and dived straight in. Louis ran into the pool area, yelling and cannon balling. I grinned.

"GET READY LADS!" I shouted and turned. My eyes made contact with big brown ones. I blinked in shock.

"Hey!" I yelled and the girl turned and ran. I swore. No fans were supposed to be here! This was our break! I ran as fast as I could across the hard pebbles, running after the girl who was already halfway across the last field. Boy, could she run fast. She turned and looked at me, then ran through the back gate, which slammed shut behind her. I pushed on the gate hard. Padlocked. Damn. 

(Casey POV)

I ran. I heard him shouting "Hey!" but I just kept running. I heard the scramble of pebbles, but I was already halfway across the last field by then. I turned and looked at him, running towards me, Calvin Kleins and all. I turned, ran through the gate and slammed it shut, swinging the padlock on it and throwing the key to the ground, covering it with the dirt. The footsteps got closer and I turned and ran back to my house. I ran through my own back gate, slammed it shut and slid to the ground. I swallowed uneasily.


It's official.

Harry Styles had come back to Cheshire.


Ok yeah so that's the first chapter..... Pretty much just a starter but whatever :) Vote/Rate/Comment :D

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