Chapter 3

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Ok, I'm updating for the third time, because I really want to get this story going before I go to Fiji on Tuesday hahahah so anyway, chapter 3!



After dinner, which was delicious, thanks mumma, Niall, Liam, Harry and I all sat in the basement while Louis and Zayn picked a movie for us to watch. There are two small, two-seater, squishy couches in the basement and rug on the floor, a TV sitting on the wall. A foosball table sits in the back corner, cabinets sit next to the TV, which holds pillows and lots of fluffy blankets. There are a few boxes on the other wall and then the stairs leading up. 

"Hey, Casey, is there any popcorn?" Niall asked me. I nodded.

"I'll go make some." I said and I bounded upstairs. I made two massive bowls of popcorn and carefully walked downstairs with them. 

Liam and Niall were tucked up on one couch, Zayn sitting on the other one, leaving a small spot in the middle for me and Harry. Louis was sprawled out on the ground, claiming he liked to have his "space" 

Harry was chucking pillows out of the cabinet, throwing two at Louis, two at Niam (A/N: Hehehehehe see what I did there...) and chucked a few on the couch Zayn was sitting on. He tugged out three blankets, one for Lou, one for Zayn and one for Liam and Niall. 

"Are there any more blankets Casey?" He asked me. I nodded.

"There should be, right at the top." Harry reached up and pulled down a familiar old blanket, a deep blue with faded gold stars on it. He held it up.

"Can I use this?" He asked me and I stared at it.

"Sure." I choked out as memories came flooding back.


"Let's watch this one Casey!" 11-year-old Harry held up Scream 2 for me to see. I shook my head violently.

"No way José!" I said firmly, though giggly. Harry shook his hair out.

"Come on Case! Be adventurous!" He grinned before putting it in the DVD player in the basement. He went to the cupboard, pulling out two pillows and our blanket, the dark blue one with gold stars. He pressed play and we sat closely together on the couch, cuddled in the warm blanket.


I shook my head of the memory and handed one bowl of popcorn to Niall and one to Zayn.

"So what are we watching?" I asked and Zayn grinned at me. He held up Scream 4. I nodded and put it into the DVD player, while Harry took a seat on the couch, making the spot in between them look even smaller than it probably was. He had the blanket with him and I squished in the small space as the movie began.


"Fuck!" I whimpered, shivering. Harry looked at me, smirking, though he seemed concerned. He held the blanket open.

"Cold love?" He suddenly pulled me into his chest, wrapping us up in the blanket. I awkwardly leant my head against his rising chest, hearing his steady heartbeat. I shrank back even more as scarier images appeared on the screen. Harry squeezed my hand tightly.

"Don't worry, I've got you."


I whimpered and cuddled closer into Harry's chest. I heard his steady heartbeat as he clutched around me. I shrank back, giving a small scream and he clutched at my hand.

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