Missing you

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Lili POV
I'm just heading off the plane to Vancouver for Riverdale. Roberto gave us a week off for thanksgiving break. Cole got extra time because his brother and family were having difficulties. His mom was diagnosed with cancer. He seemed pretty upset when he told me the news, I mean I would be to if my mom was diagnosed. But Cole doesn't really cry that much, like only for certain reasons. Which was weird, he was a very happy/encouraging person. I love him so much and he loves me too. I know one day we'll get married and have kids of our own. I just got to set and see Cami. We ran to each other and hugged for what seemed like hours. "Omg!! I've missed you so much girl!!!" She says practically yelling. "I've missed you to!" I laugh. "How's Cole? Is he okay?" She asks her mood changing quick. I hold back some tears just thinking about him being gone and about his mother. "He's doing okay, I guess." I say. She sees that I'm holding back tears so she cups my face with her hands and wipes my tears with her thumbs. That's what Cole always does when I'm said and crying. I miss him so much. Just then I get a text, I look and see it's from Cole! I get so excited!

Cole POV

I hate the fact that I'm miles away from Lili, and don't know what to do with myself. I can not control myself without her. I need to talk to her. So I pull it my phone and text her:

Me: Hey, babe

I get an immediate answer.

Lils: Hey!! O my gosh! I miss u so much!

Me: I know, I think I'm gonna come home..

Lils: Why?? You need to be there for your mom!

Me: I know...but you know your the only one who can help me with my anxiety that came back!

Lils: I support you. How does Dylan and you family feel about it?

Me: I didn't tell them about my anxiety but I made a good excuse and they said I could go whenever I feel like it. I gotta go. Bye love you baby! ❤️

Lils: Love u too! 💞

I put my phone down and look around the hotel room I'm staying in. Dylan is across the room on his phone. "I think I'm gonna go....back to Vancouver." I say quietly but to where he can still hear me. "....okay...." he whispers. Sad because one, of mom and two, because I'm leaving my other half. "I'm sorry I just gotta get back to Lili.." "I know! I love you bro.." he says and come and hugs me. I hug back. "Love you too." I say. Once I get out of the hug I start packing. Once I'm done packing I find the quickest flight to Vancouver. Which is 9:55 tonight. I think I'm gonna surprise Lili and not tell her when I'm coming tonight. I miss her so much. So I text her:

Me: Missing you

And then I shut my phone off and head onto the plane and take a nap because is such a long flight.

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