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Cole POV
I woke up to someone in the bathroom throwing up. I don't feel Lili beside me so I run to the bathroom and see her throwing up so hard. "Baby?" I say and kneel down and hold her hair back and put my hand under my/her hoodie and rub her bare back. "I'm sorry." She cries. "Hey, hey, hey...don't be sorry. It isn't your fault." "But it is! I am keeping you up. It's 3:45 am and you should be asleep because we have work-" I cut her off. "No! You are not going to work and neither am I. I'll call Roberto when they wake up. Let's just get some rest." "Ok." She rinses her mouth and then I scoop her up and she wraps her legs around my torso. "Wait...." She pauses and I stop. "I don't want to get you sick." She continues. I start walking again and say "Babygirl, I don't care. All I care about is getting you better." We finally get to the bed and I put her down gently. I then get into bed myself and she snuggles real close to me. Her head on my chest and leg around my torso. My hand is playing with her and and the other arm is under her hoodie holding/rubbing her bare back.

Lili POV
I wake up to soft snores from Cole. I laugh tale one of his curly black curls and start playing with it. Then I have the sudden urge to throw up. I run to the bathroom and thankfully make it. I feel someone behind me holding my hair back and rubbing my back. When I get done I rinse my mouth and turn to Cole and hug him. I start quietly sobbing because my stomach hurts. "Have you called in yet?" I ask sobbing. "No not yet. But I'm gonna go get you some ibuprofen downstairs. You go back to bed and lay down. I'll be right back." He says obviously worried. "Okay, babe?" "Yes baby?" He asks. "Wanna get me some ice cream while you down there?" He laughs and says "of course..anything for my babygirl!" He then kisses my foreheads and walks downstairs. I go to the bed and hold my stomach because it hurts so bad. He comes in and he has my favorite flavor, vanilla. He also has a glass of water with ibuprofen in his hand. I smile and take it. Then I have the ice cream and turn on friends and we both eat it with one spoon. I laugh when he puts his finder in it and runs it on my nose. He starts tickling me. "CoOlEeE" I say I'm between laughs. I start to cough really bad. "Oh I'm sorry!" Cole says stopping. "It's ok!" I say in between coughs. Once I'm done I hug him and play with his hair. "So what are we doing today?" He asks me. "Sleep, snuggle, watch tv, eat and repeat!" I say laughing. "Anything for you!" He says and we drift off to sleep.

Cole POV
I feel so bad for Lili, she's been throwing up all day. She's also been super super cold. I've been giving her all of the blankets in the house but it's not working. "Baby?" I ask her. I think she's still sleeping, I think we should go tot he doctor so I made an appointment today at 5. It's 3 right now so we need to get ready because it takes an hour to get there. "Baby?" I say shaking her. She groans and says "stooooppp!" I laugh and say "Baby, we need to get ready." "Why" She says now looking at me with her hands on my chest. "I made an appointment because you being so cold and is doing everything we can isn't normal." I say now playing with her hair. She's now crying because she knows somethings wrong with her. "Hey don't cry! It'll be okay, baby." I say pulling her close to me. She sobs into my chest, but I don't care. I just reassure her that she's gonna be okay.

Later at the doctors office
Lili POV
Im kinda scared of what the doctor will say but whatever happens Cole will be with me every step of the way, forever and always. "Lili Reinhart?" A female doctor tells. Cole and I stand up and she leads us to the room.
Skip to where they got the news and that just got home.
I walk into the house and go straight to bed bawling my eyes out. I the doctor said I had HYPOTHYROIDISM. It's where your really cold and there's nothing you can really do but wait. If it doesn't go away in one's over. Everything you've accomplished, everything you've ever dreamed of....will just be gone because you won't even be there to make it happen or enjoy life. Cole comes in and lays beside me and pulls me up to him. I turn away from him. "Baby, look at me..." he says rubbing my back. I turn around shaking so bad and my eyes probably puffy because of crying. "What?" I say sobbing. "Your gonna be okay! Your gonna live through this!" He says cupping my face  and wiping my tears with his thumbs. "But what if I don't?" I say now pulling all of the cover on me but it's not doing me any good. "Never think like that okay?" He says pecking my lips. "Baby, do you want my other hoodie?" I nod. I put it on and the shaking stops a little bit but not much. "Here..." Cole says taking his shirt off and then mine. The shaking actually stops. I cuddle real close to him and drift off to sleep.

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