Finally home

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Cole POV

I wake up 30 minutes before the plane lands, so I sit around and read my book. When I get off the plane I go to the bag claim area. I call an Uber to take me to set so I could surprise my beloved Lili. Once I get to set I sneak beside her trailer and hear her and Cami talking. I decide to eavesdrop, the things I hear are like: "I really wish he was right here with me" Lili says crying into Camis shoulder. "I know, I know." Cami says trying to make her feel better. She just keeps crying harder and harder the more I stand there. So I decide to open the door and surprise her. "But baby, I am here!" I say with my arms out. She's not facing the door but when she hears my voice she runs up to me and jumps on me and wraps her legs around my torso. "I missed you so much, Cole!" Lili said with now happy tears. "I missed you to baby!" I say holding her head on my chest. "AWWWWW THIS IS SO GOING ON MY INSTA!!!!" Casey yells across the whole set. "Wow, we even got our own fan club!" I say putting her down. "Yea, I guess we do!" She says kissing me. It's so passionate but not to long because there are a lot of people watching. She pulls away and kisses my cheek. "I love you forever and always!" She whispers into the crook of my neck. "Forever and always!" I whisper back to her to where only she can hear.

Lili POV

Right now me and Cole are on his couch of my trailer cuddling. I'm laying on his stomach and he's playing with my hair. We're watching our favorite thing that we live to watch together, Friends. I giggle at a joke and I can see him statin and smiling at me. I look up and ask "What?" I laugh. "Your just so beautiful and perfect!" He chuckles. "And your the best thing that could ever happen to me." I say and kiss his lips.

Later that day at their house they share
I was changing into my sweatpants and Coles hoodie and then I hear sizzling in a pan. I walk downstairs and see that Cole has prepared a whole dinner for me. "Babe?" I ask confused. He turns around quickly. "What is all of this for?" I laugh and point at all of the food on the table. "It's for you babe!" He says and starts cooking again. I go up to him and wrap my arms around him from behind. I lay my head on his back because he is much taller than me. So that means all of his shirts go down to me mid thigh. Finally dinner is ready and we both sit down. "Cole, why did you do this for me?" I ask smiling. "Because I love you!" He says blushing. "Well, I love you and this smells amazing!" I say excited! He just smiles and laughs.

Later that night in bed
Cole and I are laying in bed, me in sweatpants and in his hoodie and Cole just in his boxers, and I have an important question to ask him, I don't know if I should tho. We've never talked about it before....I think I should tho. "Cole?" I ask nervously and quietly. "Yes baby?" He asks now looking at me. "Do you ever want kids with me...?" I ask. "Of course, baby! Why would you ask that question?" He asks smiling. "Well, I don't deserve you and I don't now why you would want an old fat girl." I say choking back tears. "Lils? You are not old, you are not fat, and YOU don't deserve me!" He says pulling me closer to him. "Really?" I ask smiling real big now. "Yes baby! I'll love you forever and always." "Love you too forever and always." I say. I put my head on his bare chest and my legs is on his torso.
He laughs and kisses my head. I smile real big and and snuggle closer. I feel so protective when I'm with him, I'm always scared of the dark and he's the only one that knows. But it's like he'll always be there for me, forever and always.

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