The scream I hate

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Cole POV
We just finished a scene and we are fixing to shoot another one. "Alright and......action!" Roberto says. As I'm about to say my first line I hear a scream. I know that scream....the scream I hate to hear...Addys scream. I run as quickly as possible to KJs trailer and swing the door open only to find Liam on the ground with a bloody face. I see Addy on the couch crouched in a ball crying historically. I run up to her and sit on the couch and pull her on my lap and start whispering sweet nothings to make her feel better. "That's right you idiot!! Never come back and do not ever mess with my family again or next time you'll be dead!!!" I hear KJ yell outside the trailer. Lili comes running in and goes straight to me and Addy. "Baby! I'm so sorry!!" She's still crying really hard and loud. "Calm down, follow my breathing, okay?" I say to Addy. She nods. "In, out, in, out." I do hand gestures with my talking. "I'm sorry daddy....I'm sorry I ruined your filming." She says while a tear drops down her cheek. "Hey, no, it's ok. He will never come a foot around you again, ok?" Lili says hugging Addy on my lap. She just nods. KJ comes back with bloody fists. "KJ, what exactly happened?" I ask cradling Addy. "Well, Addy said she had to go to the bathroom so I said hold on let me make sure there's nothing in there. So I walked down the hallway and then I heard the trailer door open but I thought maybe it was one of y'all so I just left it. Then I heard a deep voice talking then I heard Addys scream so I ran as fast as I could to the living room and saw this man." He starts but I interrupt. "Liam." I say my teeth growling. "Yea, anyways, I just had an instinct to punch him because I knew that you wouldn't want anything in the world but to keep her safe." He says. "Yea..thanks!" I say holding Addy so tight. "Roberto said y'all need to take a break and go home for the day.." Camila says coming in. "Ok. Thanks.." Lili says with tears.

At home
Lili POV
I can't help but think that Addy almost getting raped or kid napped could have been my fault. I was so stupid to even date Liam and now that he didn't get his way he's gonna kill my family. When we get to the house I go straight to our bedroom and fall straight on the bed. Cole walks in with Addy on his hip. "Go to the living room sweetie, I'll be right there." He says as he's putting her down. "Okay daddy.." She says walking down the stairs. He comes and sits next to me and sits me up. I straddle his lap and start to ball into his shirt. "It's gonna be ok!" He reassures me. "No, it's not. She could've been kid napped or worse.....raped." I say the last part quietly. "But guess what, she didn't. All because of uncle KJ." He laughs. "Yea." I smile. I look down at his shirt and it's soaked. "Sorry" I say gesturing to his shirt. "You can ruin all of my shirts with your tears but I'd still love you!" He says. "I love you so much!" I say hugging him. "I love you too!" He replies. He starts kissing my neck and then works his way up to my lips. I kiss him really hard but not to hard, just right. It turns into a little make out session. "Babe, we need to check on Addy." He says laughing. "Your right." I say laughing and kiss him one more time. We stand up and walk downstairs to the living room. We see that she's talking to Pugsley sitting on the couch. "I'm so stupid. I messed up their  work, I messed up there lives. Why couldn't it have been me that died. I could have took my parents spot. They don't know that I know about my parents but I overheard them. I don't think they want me." She says breaking down into tears. I look at Cole as he walks up to her and hugs her. She cried into is shirt also. I walk up to her and move Pugsley down and sit next to her also. "Hey, look at me." I say. She doesn't so I take my finger and lift her chin up to look at me. "Never think that we don't want you. Ok?  We love you like your our own. Like I birthed you. Ok?" I say tears coming out of my eyes to. "Okay.." She whispers. Cole picks her up and says "I think we need a family cuddle!" He suggests. "I think we do to!" I say. Addy just giggles and laughs. We walk up the stairs and enter our room. Cole places Addy down and pulls her pants down so she'll be comfortable. He pulls his shirt of and leaves his shorts on. I just take off my jeans and stay in his hoodie. I climb into bed with Addy and lay down. Cole turns off the lights and turns on Friends. He gets on the bed and lies down. Addy and I immediately snuggle up closer to him. Addy on his stomach and legs wrapped around and my arm wrapped around her and my leg on his. I smile a little and doze off.

Sorry for such a short chapter again!!

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