01; Long time no see

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Elena's Pov:

I walked towards the precinct of the NYPD. It sure as hell is different than the LAPD, but I don't mind. I can work with my sister and her team now. I've heard she has been working with that writer, Richard Castle. We both are big fans of him.

Damn, she's lucky.

Back in LA I was stuck with player Kyle Johnson, Eater Mike Mathews and the diva Miley Mullay. They annoyed me sometimes, but I loved them and we were a team. No matter what happened.

Anyway I walked into the new precinct I was going to be working at and got into the elevator. I pressed the button and went up to the right level. Then I saw my sister and what I suspect to be her team with their backs facing me and my new boss who just seems to be talking about me.

"... so you guys will have a nea member and you will threat her with respect."

"Her?" This Latino-ish voice asked the same time as my sister spoke, "Sir we don't need a new member."

I raised my left eyebrow and decided to speak up, "Really? Even if it is your own sister?"

They all turned to face me. Kate smiled so wide I thought her face was gonna break. I walked a little closer and waved. She walked towards me and gave me a hug. "I've missed you soo much Ellie." I smiled as I hugged her back. "I've missed you to Katie." We broke the hug and we took a few steps back. She opened her mouth to say something but I cut her off, "if you're going to ask me how the hell I got here. Then I will tell you that I'll explain later."

She chuckled and looked down at her feet. Then she looked up and spoke, "well then. Ellie welcome to the team. Guys this is my sister Elena Alisha Beckett also a homicide detective. Ellie these are. Rick Castle-" She pointed at the well-known writer. "-Javier Esposito." She pointed at a tanned almost bald guy. "-And Kevin Ryan." She ended pointing at a really as I might add REALLY handsome guy with dark hair and deep blue eyes. "Hey guys." I said shyly as I waved. Again.

There was a moment of silence until the famous writer decided to speak up, while extending his hand, "It's amazing to meet the little sister of the legendary Katherine Beckett." I shook his hand and smiled, "I don't like the term 'little' I prefer 'Younger'."

"You're shorter though." Kate said with a cracked smile. I fake pouted and then laughed. Then that Esposito dude extended his hand. "It's an honour to work with another Beckett. We've heared a lot about you." I shook his hand, smiling. That Kevin guys shot me a nervous smile. This team isn't that bad after all..

Yaayyy first chapter. What do you guys think?

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