Chapter 2 "you!"

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He tried to shake of my hand but failed miserably, he stared at my eyes and continued to try to get away.

"Let go you fool!" He said in a angry voice.
Our faces were really close at this point, I could smell his lips they smelled like sweet cola, for some reason it annoyed me, it would be better if He smelled really bad so I could get more grossed out by him.

I scanned him up and down and then up again.
He was wearing the school uniform, white shirt with a tie that was a bit loose like as if he was in a hurry this morning, with black pants and white shoes. I looked back at his brown big eyes.

"Do you know who I am little boy?" I asked whit one raised eyebrow.
"Why would I know who you are, I've never met you before, can you just let go of my arm you asshole!"

I looked at him surprised, most people at this school knows who I am because of my dad, and they don't even have the courage to look at me.

I'm known for beating students who disrespect me and if they curse at me they will have a hard time at school, it hasn't happened in some time so I've been quite bored so maybe finally I would have some fun.

My dad probably knows about my reputation but he only cares about his money and his big house and his job. My mom thinks I am the good kid that everybody likes and want to be friends with, it's true a lot of students wants to be friends with be but not because of my "friendly personality" just because of my popularity and all the girls I get.

I lifted my head a little and started to talk again.

"So let me tell you who I am..."
He didn't let me finish my sentence and started to talk a bit louder.
"Shut up I don't wanna know who the fuck you are just let me go!!"  He started to use his other hand to get my grip to loose, his hand was soft and warm, I got distracted and he finally got away and gave me the middle finger and started to walk away calmly.

I was standing there feeling like a fool, this has never happened to me before, I should go after him and hit him like I always do when people disrespect me, but this time I'm the one who doesn't have the courage, and I hated that feeling.

It felt like I couldn't move I was just standing there watching him leave, wishing I could turn back time so I could just hit him in the face.
I got woke back up when I heard my phone peep, it was my mom,
-come home immediately you, me and your dad needs to talk-
I sighed "what is it this time" I thought
and walked out of the school I completely forgot about Mister Kurt now anyways he's not going to do anything and if he does he will pay for it. As I'm walking out the school I see the boy from far apart getting in a black Porsche.
He doesn't look rather happy nor sad he looks like the kids look like In the morning when they're heading to school, "why does he have such a annoying face" I looked at him annoyed, Maybe I should go after him, I'm definitely not done with him yet, I run to my motorcycle I sit on it and think twice about what I'm about to do but then go the same direction as the car with the boy in it.

That's weird I usually also take this way home, maybe he lives in the same neighborhood.
I live in the most expensive neighborhood in Froxwood, so that means he and his family has to be quit rich, "uh that's annoying I would hope that he was poor" I say to myself under my helmet.

I got my motorcycle from my brother for my birthday last year, my brother is in the states to study he has always been my parents favorite, "why can't you be more like you're brother?" Lingers in my head all day, I don't let anyone touch the motorcycle if they do I would beat them to death, I have almost beaten someone really bad once, he didn't finish my homework I gave him and I failed Math because of that.
I look up to the car to see if I can see the boy in the backseat.

This is weird we're going the exact same way as the way to my hose, my house is just around the corner, if the car turns right now we're on our way to my house. The car then turns right to my house.

"What the..." I think to myself, I stop my motorcycle to see the car pull up at my house, I go after and se my mom and dad waiting at the door. I drive my motorcycle two the mini garage.
My house is a really big White House, it's the most expensive here, with two balconies, it has four bedrooms and four toilets and two other rooms for guests, and three kitchens we only use one though, I never really liked my house there is always people everywhere you're never alone if you're in my house.

I take of my helmet to see the boy get out of the car he doesn't look my way, he stares at the ground and closes the car door, "even him alone is annoying" I whisper. His what I assume is his parents step out of the car, a short chubby man, whit a big nose and small eyes and glasses, wearing a black suit and a red bow tie.
Then a tall women with long brown hair wearing a red dress matching the mans bow tie steps out, she gestures angry to someone in the car to get out, she then pulls her dress so it would look good, then the same girl I was talking with this morning steps out, we make eye contact,
"You!" I said and broke the silence, all eyes were on me now except the little boy who were starring at the house. He probably hasn't seen a big house like this before. I can tell from his expressions that he didn't want to come here.
"Heh... hey mom and dad you wanted me to be here, who are these people" I asked to break the tension. It was weird the lady, man the cute girl and the boy were all standing in a line waiting for like approval or something.
"Come here off, we have something to tell you, if you would have come earlier we wouldn't have had to tell you in front of our guests, but you see these guest are going to live with us for a year, because your fathers business with Mr Robert"
Suddenly the chubby man came up to me to shake my hand, I didn't take his hand and my dad looked at me furious.
"Call me Robb" he said and took his hand away, he continued,
"This is my family, my wife Abigail..
"But please call me Abby" she said with a warm smile.
"And this is my two children my daughter, Emma and my son Gun.
"So that's Gun?" I said and the boy looked at me and realized who I was, we were staring at each other without moving, his eyes were so brown and big, he had a mole on his nose and quite plump lips who were cherry red, he looks away again.
"Oh you know him" my mom asked sounding way to happy about it.
", but I've heard about him" I lied, Gun looked at me confused so did his parents.
"All the students say you need to keep an eye on him because you'll never know what his next move is going to be" I walked to him to put my arm over his shoulder, my parents looked at me with worried eyes.

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