Chapter 8 "I will find him"

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Gun ran out from the cafeteria not looking back. I sat frozen not knowing what to do. I looked around and I then noticed that students were filming me and looking surprised like they didn't really know what to do.
"Great" I said to myself. I could taste the coke on my lips and I could feel it dripping from my chin to my pants. I thought about the conversation with Gun while trying to figure out what I should do now.

I looked up from the table and saw a student sitting and filming me at the table next to me. I looked at him with an angry expression and started to walk towards him. I snatched the iPhone from him and threw it at the ground without saying a word
I didn't even look at his face so I didn't catch his reaction.
I then walked out from school and were heading home.

"Honey are you home?" My mom shouted from the kitchen, she then walked out from the kitchen almost running like she hasn't seen me in years.
"How's your day been love?" My mom asked while hugging me. She is acting really strange, as if like she's broken my tv or something.

"Well it's been alright...." I answered while taking my jacket of me that got wet from the rain on my way home.
She looked at me and then at the door. She seemed distracted for some reason.
"Where's Gun?" She asked not taking her eyes of the door.
I looked at the door behind me and then looked at mom.

"What do you mean he's not home yet?" I asked,
my mom took her eyes of the door to look at me.
"Emma said that you were going to take Gun home"
My mom said sounding a bit more serious.
"Oh shit I forgot about that" I whispered to myself.
"What?" My mom asked and touching my arm with her hand that were still a bit wet from doing the dishes.

"Eh... yeah I was supposed to..but...h-h-he decided to walk home instead." I said trying to sound convincing.
My mom looked a bit calmer at me but still quite tense. She sighed and looked at the door one last time as if she was hoping that Gun would appear magically. She looked at me with her loving mom eyes.

"Alright then, I hope what you're saying is true" she removed her hand from my arm to my face.
She frowned her eyebrows.
"Honey, why is your face so sticky?" She looked around my face while touching it.
I suddenly remembered the incident with Gun and felt the anger coming back. I looked over my moms shoulder to see my dad and Emma having a chat together in the living room, Emma were smiling and my dad were too. I usually never see my dad smile, not like that. My mom noticed that I were drifting away from our conversation.

"Anyway it doesn't matter just go and wash yourself and put on some nice clothes" She took her hand of me and looked at the clock on the wall next to us.
"Oh look at the time I need to hurry with the dishes" she walked her way back in the kitchen.

Even though we have people to do our dishes and that clean for us, my mom always wants to do it herself instead, she says that it feels more like her house if she can clean herself. My dad always try to hire new people to clean for us but they always end up not having much work to do because my mom have already cleaned.

I looked into the living room before heading to my room, Emma's dad had suddenly walked into the conversation, he looked like he needed something to talk about but couldn't figure out what. I could now hear my dad laughing at something Emma's dad said. It's rear to hear my dads laughter it's less evil then I thought it would be. The only memory I have from my dad really laughing is once when he got really drunk.

He was having his friends from work over. They were celebrating that their project were "successful" my dad wouldn't say more than that, he only said that "it worked" and that's it. He was laughing all night to the point my mom had to say that "it's getting late you should head home" to the guests.

After taking a shower and putting on some new fresh clothes I start to play games on my computer.
The time goes by and it seems like Gun is not home yet. I take of my headphones and lean back into my gaming chair and look outside my window, it's still raining.
"Where are you?" I said to myself.
I looked at them time on my computer 6 pm it's been an hour something must be wrong.

Whatever it is he deserves it, he freaking threw coke at my face, but I couldn't help but to feel responsible because I were supposed to take him home and now he's probably alone somewhere taking shelter from the rain.
"Ah shit"
I walked out from my room and down the stair taking my jacket.
"Off were are you going?" Emma asked standing behind me.
"Well I have to go somewhere" I looked at her and she looked angry.
"You were supposed to take Gun home remember Me and my parents plus yours are worried as heck right now"
She whispered, trying not to make her parents more worried.
I looked into the living room and saw my parents trying to calm Emma and Guns dad. Their mom just sat there trying to look worried.
"I will find him and bring him home"

OFF+GUN "didn't know it would be you"Where stories live. Discover now