Chapter 20 "confession" part 2

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All I could do was to stare blankly at Gun without blinking. The words he spoke seemed to be difficult for me to process.
"w-what do you m-mean exactly?
I said stuttering and feeling a bit flustered.
Gun struggled to speak any further about it so I bravely did it for him.
"Your dad is coming to my house, and he is kicking me out from MY house?"
I continued.
Gun nodded.
I sighed and felt uneasy.
"That prick."
I said, after I spoke it got awkwardly quiet.
I could feel the tension and how we both had words to speak and sentences to say but were to afraid to speak out. Gun looked down at his feet, I have learned that he does that when he feels nervous. I took a deep breath before I spoke any further.

"By the way, why are you out in the street like this? Did your dad kick you out? I swear if he did-"
"No, he didn't, Papi my house is right here."
Gun said while pointing behind him.
"I saw you getting out of the bus from my window before, so I went here before my dad would notice."
Gun talked while looking at his house, it seemed like he was worried that his dad might walk out. He looked back at me with his deer eyes that could soften you heart in seconds.
"You really need to go, my dad can't see you here."
Gun said and looked at me but kept drifting his eyes towards his house.
I realized how I didn't think of a way to get back from here.
"Yeah, I don't want my dad to found you here"
Gun said.
"Well...I-I don't really know where to go."
I said and scratched the back of my head embarrassed.
Gun only looked at me, processing the words in his brain.
Now when I think about it I don't even remember what I was meant to say when I got here.
Gun sighed.
"Why are you even here Papi?"
Gun said as if he just read my mind.
I felt how my heart started to beat faster. My hands started to get sweaty. I felt like I had a thousands words I wanted to say but I couldn't say a single one.
I looked at Gun who looked stressed and I just wanted to hug him and hold him forever I-
"I love you"
I said without thinking, for some reason those were the only words that I could think of.
Gun said looking quite confused as if he actually didn't hear me. I panicked and started to look around me as if I was looking for an answer.
"I-I owe you"
I stuttered.
"What?.....You owe me?"
Gun said confused.
I said sounding very confused myself.
"You owe me what exactly?"
Gun looked at me suspiciously.
Someone suddenly shouted.
Both me and Gun flinched.
"Shit it's my dad, quickly hide."
Gun hurriedly pushed me behind a car on the driveway.
Robb continued to shout.
"Yeah dad I'm here!"
Gun shouted back sounding rather calm but you could still hear the nervousness in his voice.
"God there you are, me and Abby has been looking for you."
When Robb said Abby's name I could feel the anger coming back to me.
Gun said glancing at me.
"Well, Abby said that she really wanted to talk to you about something."
Robb continued to talk with his hands in his pockets.
My heart sank and his words, why would Abby have something to talk about with Gun? I won't let her hurt Gun again.
"Oh r-really"
Gun stuttered.
"Yeah, come back inside it's windy out here."
Robb said looking at Gun suspiciously.
"N-no I need some fresh air, I'll be back in just a minute."
Gun looked over at me, and I couldn't help but to smile at him to my surprise he smiled back. 
"Okay then, don't take to long."
Robb said and then finally went back inside.
When I could hear the door close I walked back to Gun.
"I won't let you go back there alone."
I said as I walked up to Gun.
Gun said while yawning.
"Are you tired?"
I said sounding more worried than I should be.
"Mm...I was up all night."
Gun said while yawning once again.
I frowned.
Gun looked at me and then down at his feet.
"I couldn't sleep"
Gun pouted a bit with his lips which melted my heart.
I smiled at him and admired his cuteness.
Gun started to shake and I could tell that he was cold and was freezing.
I walked closer to him and hugged him tightly. He felt so small in my embrace.
"I can't let anything happen to you little boy."
I said as I was hugging him. I could feel his heart beating close to mine. I never felt so protective as I'm feeling for Gun and it scared me a little.
"You can't follow me back in, my dad can't see you."
I let go of Gun just to look at him.
"I don't care , I'm not leaving."
I said determined.
Gun sighed as he could see that I was very serious.
"You can't....."
Said Gun quietly.
"Okay then...."
I said and I could tell that Gun was disappointed that I gave up so easily. I smirked once again at his cuteness.
I shouted. Gun looked at me as if I did something unimaginable.
"Hey shhh, what do you think you're doing?"
Gun whispered and looked back at his house.
I shouted again but louder.
"What are!! you doing.."
Gun shouted but quickly changed his tone when he realized that he was shouting.
"I will stop if you let me inside with you."
I said sounding demanding.
Gun stayed quiet and looked at me with an annoyed expression.
"Are you out of you mind?"
He then said whispering.
"Is me being worried about you being insane?"
I said softly.
He only looked at me at bit surprised not knowing exactly what to say.
I started to shout but Gun quickly covered my mouth with his hand.
"Okay okay, but you're gonna have to hide."
Gun said and removed his hand.
I said looking and Gun and sounding like an overly happy kid who got candy.
We walked up to the door quietly even though we were still outside. Gun opened the door and peeked inside before I signaling to me that I could follow him inside. We were now standing in the hallway a bit unsettled.
"No what?"
I whispered.
Gun hissed.
Their house looked modern but not to expensive. It looked somewhat similar to my house but the living room is in a different place.
We could hear muffled voices and footsteps coming from upstairs.
Gun had forgotten to close the door so the wind closed it with a big slam.
We both jumped at the sound and looked at each other nervously. We both couldn't help but laugh a bit about the whole situation.
"Gun is that you!"
A female voice shouted.
We stopped laughing and froze.
"That's Abby, hide."
Gun whispered quickly.
"No, I won't let her hurt you."
I said while holding Gun's arm.
"She won't, dad is home."
Gun said and shook of my hand.
"So when he's not home?"
I said sounding serious.
Abby's footsteps got closer and Gun looked nervous.
"Shh, We can't talk about this now. Quickly hide."
Gun said hurriedly.
I said anxiously.
"Come here Gun! I wanna talk to you!"
Abby's voice sounded much clearer and closer now.
"I don't know,just hide."
Gun said while looking around.
"Here, get in"
Gun opened a closet door that was filled with jackets and shoes.
I only stood there looking at the little space in the closet.
"Come on."
Gun said while grabbing my arm guiding me into the closet. He closed the door but left it open a bit so a could still see Gun.
"There you are."
Abby said.
Gun didn't replay he only at here and glanced at me to see if I was visible.
"Me and your dad have been talking and we thought that it's best for you if you're homeschooled."
Abby said.
Gun looked at Abby confused.
"What? My dad never wanted me to be homeschooled."
Gun said and looked at Abby suspiciously.
"Well you thought wrong little kid, it's better for you to stay home here so we won't have a discrimination walking around."
Abby said, it sounded like those words were like "good morning" for her because it sounded so natural, she probably has called Gun worse words before.
My blood started to boil and my heart started to beat faster.
Gun felt frozen he couldn't say anything, for some reason he was scared.
"Are you going to stand there all day or do something good for once?"
Abby said sounding like it was something that she really meant.
Gun didn't say anything.
I can't just watch this.
I heard Abby's footsteps getting closer until I saw her figure standing close to Gun. She didn't say anything just verbally insulted him with her eyes.
"I can't stand the sight of you."
Abby sharp words made Gun flinch.
She raised her hand and were about to hit him. I couldn't let that happen so I hurriedly jumped out of the closet and pushed her hand away.
Gun said softly.
Abby stumbled a bit, she looked at my face and tried to identify me.
Abby shouted.
The sound of her voice hurt my ears.
"What is all this noise."
Robb suddenly walked to the hallway.
He walked but immediately stopped when he saw me.
I said with sounding like a thief that was caught.
Abby and Robb looked at me with furious eyes.
"What are you doing in my house!"
Robb shouted and you could see veins on his forehead. For some reason I didn't feel imitated at all, people usually don't scare me so I felt very calm.

Gun on the other hand looked like he was going to faint. It got quiet and you could hear Robb breathing heavily. Robb started to shout uncontrollably, and I couldn't make up a single word of what he said.
I heard a vehicle pull up so I looked behind me and saw the bus at the bus stop through the window.
"I think we're supposed to run now"
I whispered to Gun.
Gun asked, right after he spoke I pulled his arm and opened the door and ran with all my power towards the bus.
"Papi! Slow down!"
I couldn't hear or care about what Gun said all I knew was that I needed to get to that bus.
"HEY!!! STOP HIM!!!"
Robb shouted. And all the people at the bus stop looked at Robb and the at me weirdly, Abby stood next to Robb with an expressionless face.
I reached the bus and quickly squeezed through all the people with Gun in my hand.
Robb started to run towards the bus but realized that he was already late when the bus started to move.
I dragged Gun to the back of the bus safely.
Once we sat down I could see Robb still yelling outside. Robb slowly disappeared as the bus drove away.
"If he didn't hate me before he definitely does now."
I said looking at Gun who looked rather calm.
"Papi, do you know where this bus is going?"
Gun asked and looked at me anxiously.

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