Chapter 11 "can you sleep next to me?"

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I followed Gun upstairs, he had already disappeared into my room.
Before I continued, I could suddenly feel someone grabbing my arm making me jump a little.
"Hey sorry I didn't mean to scare you"
Emma looked up at me smiling. I didn't even hear her footsteps behind me as if she's been waiting for me to be alone.
"Oh Hey...What it is it?"
I asked looking at her hand still grabbing my arm.
She looked at her hand and then removed it.

"Ehh..I-I just wanted to see if you're okay after all you know what happened with Gun."
I looked at her a bit confused I went down to the same step as her.
"what exactly do you mean?" I asked her trying my best to smile.
"Well you know with him running away and you finding him, I'm just concerned that you maybe will catch a cold or a fever because of my brother"
She looked at me waiting for my response fidgeting with her hair.
"Oh..I'm fine...but I know if I catches a cold you would take care of me, right?"
I answered and winked at her, she looked at me smiling but she almost acted like she wanted to hear something else.
She stoped touching her hair and looked down at her feet the same way Gun does, they're siblings after all I thought.

It got quiet for a while, you could hear a pin drop because of the silence in the house at the moment,
it's usually never this quiet. I can't help but feel as if something's wrong.
"Well I should get to bed, I guess I'll see you tomorrow on that "family" trip"

Emma then said walking down the stairs. She glanced back at me for a split second and then walked away. That was probably the most weird conversation I've ever had with her.
It ended so quick almost like she just wanted to distract me for a couple of minutes.
"Why is everybody so weird today?" I thought but then jumped in shook, I forgot that Gun were in my room. I ran up the stairs and stopped outside my door.
I took a deep breath before I went in to my room. It's weird I've never been this nervous about going into my own room before.

I walked into my room to see Gun already sleeping in my bed.
"Shit, he's asleep in my bed, where am I supposed to sleep?" I whispered to myself.
I walked to my bed looking over him. He was breathing heavily and looked like he was in a deep sleep.

His feet didn't reach the end of the bed like it does for me. His tiny body looks so adorable on my bed I smiled softly at him. I then looked around as if I was scared that someone might see me. "Why am I like this towards a boy?" I thought itching my arm.
"He's even sleeping on my pillow." I whispered and sighed. He looked so comfortable.

I wonder where he's been sleeping all this time until now.
I sighed and looked at the time, it's already 11 am. I better get to sleep. Maybe I should just sleep next to no no...or maybe...nah. He's so tiny so space is not the problem but....I'm just going to take the couch downstairs.
"Yeah that's what I'm doing" I said but I forgot to whisper, I looked down at Gun to see if I woke him up but he didn't even flinch.
I started to move towards the door but then stopped when I felt a hand grabbing my arm.
"Off?.. "
A small voice asked. I looked behind me and Gun were looking up at me with tired eyes. I felt my heart skipping a beat.
"Oh hey I'm sorry that I woke you up"
I said surprised at how sweet my voice sounded.
"Eh it's okay I'm sorry for falling asleep on your bed but, you never came, I'm sorry."
He said while removing his hand. I coughed before I spoke.
"I-it's okay I'm..sleeping..on the couch" I smiled faintly.
He looked at me surprised and it took awhile before he said anything making me feel anxious. I'm getting more nervous because I can't read his expression.
"No! Of course not you should be sleeping on your bed" he said but it looked like he really didn't want to leave. He spoke before I got the chance to say something.
"Off...can you sleep next to me?" Gun avoided my eyes as he asked it. He looked scared and was trembling a little.
I didn't know what to answer, I felt speechless. And I couldn't take my eyes off him. I stared at him for seconds but it felt like hours.

I sat down on the bed and laid down next to him without saying anything while my heart started beating faster.
Gun smiled softly laying next to me, he then turned around his body facing the wall. He fell asleep quickly next to me. My heart beating so loudly you could probably hear it. I fell asleep with a warm feeling.

I woke up because of the sound of mom and dad talking to Gun's dad and his wife downstairs,Gun was not in my bed, it made me somehow feel a bit empty not seeing his tiny body next to me. I yawned and looked outside to see the bright sun shining into my room.
"Uhh right, the stupid trip I almost forgot about it."
I looked at the time.
"7 am, shit" it's freaking early.
I sat up in my bed feeling a slightly headache. I frowned and yawned one extra time.
Someone then knocked on my door. Gun opened the door walking in slowly and stopped at a couple of meters from the bed.
I smiled at him. He was wearing black shorts with a white oversized t-shirt.
"Sorry if I woke you up, but I just wanted to thank you for letting me sleep in your bed and I'm sorry if I took your place because I remember that you said that you liked sleeping next to the wall."

He smiled softly but didn't meet my eyes.
I sat up and then walked to him, now we were only one meter apart.
"It's okay you didn't take up much space you're very tiny, and you were supposed to be sleeping here from the beginning anyway."
He finally looked up at me smiling. I couldn't help but notice that he looked a bit swollen under his eye, I lifted my hand slowly to touch his cheek.
My hand touched his soft skin on the swollen spot and my heart again started to beat faster.
Gun looked at me confused and his face getting more red. I then leaned closer to his face making him back away a bit.

OFF+GUN "didn't know it would be you"Where stories live. Discover now