Chapter 15 "First kiss"

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I watched Gun run further away from me and reality kicked in.
"Hey little boy wait! I can explain!"
I shouted and ran after him but he didn't mind to even look back at me.
"Gun wait!" I shouted louder and ran faster.
He finally looked over his shoulder when my steps got closer to his, but he didn't pay attention to his feet and his shoelace was untied so he tripped.
A loud scream was heard from the boy as he fell.
I felt how air got stuck in my lungs as I saw him fall down.
I ran up to him who were now laying down on the ground.
"Oh my god! Gun are you okay?!"
I said and went down to him trying to help him up.
"Get away from me you bastard!" He screamed and pushed me of and my elbow scratched the asphalt.
I grunted in pain and looked over at my now bleeding elbow.
"W-why that??"
Gun tried not to cry as he held his hand on his hurt ankle.
"That.... w-was my....first.....k-kiss...and it"
He sobbed between his words and looked at me with teary eyes.
I felt how my heart sank at his words. I felt surprised and sad, I stole his first kiss....he probably hates me I can tell it by the way he looks at me.
I felt my eyes getting watery but I quickly rubbed the tears away. I sighed.
"Look, I'm sorry about that I just wanted to know what happened to your face..."
I realized how dumb it sounded after I finished my sentence.
"So when you want to know something about someone you just kiss them?!?"
Gun shouted and looked more angry now then sad.
All I could do was to stare at him like a fool.
I at least have to help him get up wether he likes it or not.
I got up from the ground and walked closer to Gun and he got startled and moved back on the ground and moaned in pain.
"Hey don't move, I'm not going to do anything just let me help you get up."
"I don't need your help" he said and tried to get up by himself.
I smirked at him while he foolishly tried to get up by himself with his injured ankle. I never in my life have wanted to help someone has much as I wanted to help this boy.
"Ey just let me help you"
I put his arm around my shoulder and got him up.
"See much better with my help"
He rolled his eyes at me and tried to walk.
"Ah! shit!"
Gun whimpered and almost fell again.
"Are you okay?"
I put my arm around his waist to support him.
"Just let me give you a piggyback ride."
I positioned myself in front of him and gestured him to get up on my back, he must be in a lot of pain because he listened to me and jumped up on my back. I smiled to myself because he was so light. And then I started to walk.
"Are you comfy?" I asked him in a calm manner.
"Mm" was all I got as an answer but it made me satisfied.
Gun then noticed my elbow was bloody, he widened his eyes and hesitated at first but then asked.
"Off your elbow...are you okay?"
I laughed a bit and started to walk faster as I remembered my wound on my elbow and felt a rush of pain.
"I'm fine don't worry"
Gun scuffed.
"Who said I'm worried."
I smiled to myself, the pain felt worth it when Gun was save in my embrace.

As I walked on we finally reach the cabin and it has just started to get dark. Gun had fell asleep on my back and his head was resting on my shoulder. I have to wake him up before I get in.
"Hey Gun wake up, sleepyhead"
Gun blabbered in his sleep but then slowly opened his eyes.
"Are you awake?"
"Are you still in pain?"
I sighed and put him down gently on the ground.
I put my arm around his waist and supported him to walk. We got in the cabin and were standing in the warm hallway I could hear my mom talking in the living room.
We walked to the kitchen and Gun sat down on a chair next to the dining table.
We both sighed deeply.
"So... are you going to say everything that happened or..?
I asked Gun but instantly regretted it when I saw that he was still in a lot of pain.
"I don't know" was all he said.
As Gun finished speaking my mom walked over to the kitchen.
"Oh you're already here?"
She looked at me and Gun surprised.
I asked nervously.
"Yeah you've been gone for like 45 minutes, it usually takes an hour to walk to the store and back, and weren't you showing Gun around?"
My mom looked at me with a serious expression as if she already knew something happened. My mom filled her empty glass with wine as she waited for my respond.
"Yeah well....y-you k-know we-"
"I tripped on our way, stupid shoelaces heh." Gun interrupted.
"Huh!?" My mom almost dropped her glass. I rolled my eyes at her obvious overreacted reaction.
"Yeah my ankle hurts but it's fine it's not that bad."
Mom put her glass down on the table.
"Let me see"
She sat down next to him and lifted Gun's leg up on another chair and took of his shoe.
"Oh look, it's all swollen, but from what I can see it's not broken."
I sighed in relief.
She took her glass of wine and stood up.
"I'll call the doctor tomorrow just to be sure, now get some sleep both of you must be exhausted."
She smiled at us and walked out to the living room to my dad.
My dad glanced at me quickly but then looked away.
I walked over to the sink to get some water. I drank and washed my hands, I could feel Gun's eyes on me the whole time.
I then lifted up my sleeve to look at my wound.
Gun then suddenly got up on one foot and jumped out to the hallway to get the health kit that he knew his dad packed in his backpack.
He jumped back in on his left foot.
"Are you stupid? Don't move so much it will only get more swollen!"
I scolded him as he guided me to sit down on a chair.
He sat down next to me and opened the health kit.
He took out a plaster.
"You helped me so now I'm helping you don't misunderstand" he said as he put on the plaster on my wound.
All I could do was smiling at him.

OFF+GUN "didn't know it would be you"Where stories live. Discover now