I have a secret

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The bell rang for the end of school, I walked to my locker remembering detention, seeing El. I really like her, I feel bad for leading Lucas on when I like someone else.

I walked to the principals office, Max wasn't there yet. The principal and I sat in awkward silence until Max finally arrived, when I saw her I couldn't help but smile to myself like an idiot, my cheek going red. She sat down on the seat next to me, "Sorry, I had to go to the library." The principal quickly stood, "Anyway, both you have to clean the girls locker room, there was a few incidents today." We both looked at each other confused and I looked to him, "What kind of incident?" He sat down, "Well the showers are filled with soap, and a student wrote all over the walls." He began to lead the way to locker rooms, "once again, all the supplies are in there, you know where I'll be."

Now I'm stuck with her, just us two. I grabbed the sponge and began on the walls, she joined me. I looked over to her, "I saw you with Mike yesterday." She stopped scrubbing, "Max, you gave, really good advice but, he... made me feel like shit for not spending time with him, he's too clingy its really annoying." I turned to face her, now both of us weren't cleaning, "Do you, like Mike?"

Do I? I don't think I do, "I don't know, he's a... jerk half of the time but... I don't know." She held my shoulder, comfortingly, "Does he make you happy?" I hesitated, looking down, "n..n..n..no." She looked shocked, "oh."
I looked up at her, "Does Lucas make you happy?" Her eyes began to water but she resisted,"no, I don't know how to tell him." She turned away from me, began scrubbing and said something to me, "Its just, I...I..I like someone else." My heart sank, "Oh." Her voice began to shake,"I don't know how to tell them." I began cleaning, "Just tell him, he probably likes you back." She began to cry, "What if.... what if, its not a him?"

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