Sorry, I didn't mean to

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I whispered back into her ear, "whatever it is, it'll be okay." She pulled away from the hug, "no it won't. Can I come in?" I began to nod my head, "yeah, of course." I lead her over to my bedroom, we both sat on my bed without saying anything for what felt like forever until she finally said something, "its just, I told Mike. He didn't handle it well. According to him I'm a 'fucking faggot and I'm mentally fucked up'." I raised my eyebrows, "seriously?" She nodded her head, "that piece of shit."
"And, I don't know, what if he's right?" I put my hand on her knee, "you're kidding right?" She shook her head, I literally hate Mike, "you're not fucked up in any way. Mike's just an immature asshole who can't handle situations properly." She lightly chuckled, "wow, your so pissed." I furrowed my eyebrows, "of course, he's a piece of shit. And... El, don't listen to him, you're perfect." I can't believe I just said that, I looked away from her to avoid eye contact but I could already feel my cheeks going red, "Max?" As soon as I looked up she was smiling, "Thanks." She began to hold my hand, "El?" She looked up to me slowly, "yeah." I looked away from her to avoid the embarrassment, "did you wanna stay over tonight?" She nodded her head and smiled, "yeah, that would be great. Can I just call hop though?" I let go of her hand, "yeah, of course."

I finally get to spend alone time with El, without the company of our principal. El walked back into the room, "He said yes, but um... I don't have any clothes."
"Oh, um, you can just wear mine." I could see she was trying to hide a smile, "oh, thanks. Um, what did you want to do?" I shrugged, "Well, I mean, we could probably get dressed into our pj's?" She nodded her head, "okay. Um..." I shook my head with embarrassment, "yeah, I'll just go grab- yeah, okay." I walked to my closet, mentally slapping myself for saying that.

I can't believe this is actually happening, she began to walk back to me, "um, do you want to use the bathroom or my bedroom?" I looked down to the ground, "um, I don't really mind." Her cheeks became a shade of pink, "um, you could maybe use the bathroom? If that's okay?" I smiled at her and shook my head, "yeah, that's fine." She smiled at me and began walking over to the bathroom, "the bathroom is right here." I nodded and walked in. Max makes me feel confused, as if I feel like myself when I'm with her, but it also hurts me to be with her, knowing what people would think if they knew about us. No one can figure out, that would ruin my life more. I knocked on her bedroom door as I had finished getting dressed and didn't want to stand in the hallway awkwardly. I knocked again, still no response, I knocked again and again and again, no response, I slowly began to open the door. I quickly looked down to the ground when I saw her, she stood there in a bra, without a shirt, she quickly grabbed her shirt and held it to cover her, I quickly apologized to her, "sorry, sorry, I didn't know you were still getting dresses, I just, I... Knocked and you didn't open the door-" When I felt her hand on my arm I stopped talking, she smiled at me, "El, relax, its not a big deal." I nodded to her, "yeah, yeah, I know." She smiled at me. I quickly walked out of the room shutting the door behind me.

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