Its not easy being different

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She sat down next to me on the bed. "So... What were we doing?" I squinted my eyes, "I mean nothing we were trying to figure that out." She lightly chuckled, "oh, yeah." I don't know how she's going to react to what I'm about to say, I just I don't know, I've wondered this for a while, I could feel the happiness on my face fading away, when Max noticed she furrowed her eyebrows, her expression also changed, however to a concerned one, "El?" She lightly stroked my leg, "Hey? What's wrong?" I took a deep breathe, "Max? There's something I've wanted to ask you for a while." She nodded her head, "yeah, sure." I took that as an indication to continue talking, "I mean, we've kissed, twice. We've both told each other how we feel, but like, we've never made anything clear? Like what are we?" She began to look sad, "I don't know, whatever you want. I just, um, I don't want people finding... out, especially not Neil or Billy, its the 80s, no one likes people, like us, its not easy being different." As much as I wanted to be a couple in public, for people to see us happy together that would never happen and Max is right, everyone believes we are disgusting, "I mean you're right Max, people hate us but, I don't hate you and I want to be with you and only you, not mike or some other douche of a guy, only you." I can't believe I just said all of that, I could feel my cheeks going red but so were hers, a huge smile grew on her face, "I want to be with you too El, We can be together, in secret? If that's okay with you?" I smiled, I didn't realize what I was doing until I felt it, her lips, She didn't pull away, instead she pulled me closer. We stayed like this until we both heard a knock coming from the door. We pulled away and looked at each other confused, the laughing after.

'Mike, they're not going to come to the door." He shook his head and began knocking, "yes they are." I rolled my eyes, "Mike do you realise how annoying you're being?" He smiled at me, "I'm not being annoying, I just really need to talk to El." He turned back to the door and kept knocking like a 5 year old.

I kept knocking and soon the door opened to reveal an extremely annoyed Max, "What do you want Mike?" She looked pissed, "I know I'm the last person you want to see," she agreed with the last part but I continued talking, "I really need to talk to El." She rolled her eyes, "come in, there's no way of getting rid of you now, you literally came to my house." I heard will slightly chuckle in the background but ignored him.

I was still in Max's bedroom, lying on her bed, the door began to creek open followed by mike, will and max. Max sat down next to me, "Mike wants to talk to you." I rolled my eyes, "yes mike." He hesitated before he finally spoke, "I shouldn't have reacted like that, it's just, there's nothing wring with being gay and I don't why I made you feel shit about it, because I wanted to break up with you for a while, because I stopped loving you like that, I still love you as a friend though, but I just I'm glad you're happy with Max, you deserve to finally be happy, you too Max. And you're not a fucking faggot, your just being yourself and I shouldn't have tried to change you, its not my choice. I'm just really sorry El." Shit, that was a lot to take in, I looked down, "Oh. I um, why did you want to break up with me?" He looked up, his facial expression said it all, Shit. "I uh, liked someone else too." Will widened his eyes in shock. Max finally spoke, "its nice to see Will didn't know that either." She said followed by a small chuckle, I began to smile too. Mike turned to Will, "Sorry."

Will nudged me and raised his eyebrows, "we should probably go." I turned to Max and El, "um we're going to go." El nodded, "oh okay." We walked out of her bedroom.

I looked at El, "well that was a lot to take in." She nodded still in shock, "yeah, it was. I like... what?"

As we left Max's will began to talk, "who do you like?" I furrowed my eyebrows at him, "what?" He looked down, "you said you liked someone, who?" Shit.

a/n I'm so sorry for taking forever to post a new chapter and for how bad this one is, <3

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