The Break Up

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"Mike, we need to talk." He began to nod his head, "of course, um, come in." We walked down to the basement and sat on the couch. We both sat there in awkward silence for a minute until I realised I can't get out of this, I have to tell him, now, "Mike, its about us." He looked at me and I looked away, "El, what's wrong?" I don't know how to tell him, "It's just, I don't think things are going well anymore, I'm just not happy like I used to be." He stared down at his hands, "I thought you loved me." What do I even say to that? "Its just, I like someone else Mike." He furrowed his eyebrows, "who?!" I am definitely not coming out to him right now, "I'm not telling you." I began to hear anger in his voice, "Is it Lucas?"
"No Mike."
"Who is it?"
"You don't even know him." Or Her, Max.
"Then how did you meet him?"
He's literally interrogating me, "I just did."
He stood up and began to pace around, "who is it?! I need to know!"
He really didn't, "Why?"
He began to shake his head, "Because, I do!" He began to get closer to me, "Who is it, El?!" I shook my head to him, "I'm not telling you. His voice became louder, angrier and aggressive, " Who is it?! Who is it?!" He's annoying me, but I can't just walk out, I can't tell him I like Max, I can't do anything, "I can't tell you." He furrowed his eyebrows, "Why!?"
"Because you can't know." He squinted his eyes, "Why are you so protective over him?" I couldn't help but change my facial expression when he said 'him' and he must've noticed, "Ew, is it.. Max?" I couldn't say anything, "You fucking faggot! I would have preferred you to be liking Will but Max! What the fuck is wrong with you, your mentally fucked up! Get out of my house!!" I didn't look at him, I just quickly ran up the basement stairs and out of the house, I couldn't go home crying.

I was left alone at home, My mum and Neil went on a 'date' with their complete unromantic asses and Billy left to hook up with what he calls a 'super hot chick.' I already have my evening planned out, to listen to Music whilst crying about how fucked up I am. As I'm about to lay in my bed, I hear a knocking from the door, just as I'm about to lie down, seriously? I opened the door to see El, her eyes red and puffy. "El? What happened are you okay?" She didn't say anything and instead hugged me, crying into my shoulder, "No."

A/n don't mind if there are any mistakes I couldn't be bothered to proof read, too tired, sorry

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