Lotor's Kingdom

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That heart beating like a drum wake him up from the land of nightmares. The non stoping badump badump still pounded as clear as when he was asleep, the sound burned inside his head.

The prince sat up on the bed and in the dark of the night tried to saw his hands, not covered in nothing but cold sweat. He thanked the gods it was just a dream. But the body sleeping next to him was real.

He gasped in sorprise, then moved his head side to side with dissapointement. Somehow, he hoped that when he woke up, he did it in his lonely room, with his books and objects. But as walking to the shower, he could see the almost empty room he was putted in some weeks ago. And when the water fell from his head to his tip toes, he started thinking about the time with Lotor.
The first days were the worst, it hurted to even see him. Walking by his side in front of everyone's eyes was a strong hit to his pride.

He knew this would be difficult, that everything would change, that people could never see him as a strong leader but the shadow of their enemy.

He looked for his clothes in the dresser, but found instead a lot of clothes he had never seen. Of course, being the husband of snowy hair gave the empire the right to control even what he was wearing! SO funny! Haha!!!!

"Snowy hair ? " a sleepy, velvety voice mockingly asked

Lance turned around in a small jump, ashamed of his naked torso and hairy legs that the scratchy towel barely covered. Even so, he kept his composure as he looked confused and annoyed at the figure who sat and stretched out on the bed.

"You complained out loud" the prince answered the silent question. Although his lips were slightly raised in a funny smile, his countenance seemed equally lacking in any emotion. How? Lance was not able to explain it himself.

"Whatever, you must get ready now. You have work to do in the conference room.

Lotor suddenly stopped teasing, his eyes opened wide.

"Wait... I have to expose today?

His lilac skin looked so pale under the sun's rays touch. Lance secretly admired that bright silver hair.

"Do not tell me you didn't know.

The galra bited a gasp as he jumped off the bed and ran next to lance to take something out the sleeping table's drawer. He closed it holding a ton of papers inside a binder on the verge of bursting in his skinny hands.

Lance stayed quiet as he internally made fun of the prince's urge. He slowly dressed, hearing wild movement inside the bathroom. The water running, almost inmediatly the hair dryer blowing and the sound of a brush fighting with hair.

The altean was already over so he walked to the door and waited a bit just to see lotor with a towel running out the bathroom and to the dresser. He smiled sharply and left the room.


"Stop it " the old king finally spoke ". It's enough, your highness.

The half galra shutted his mouth like it was an order.
Alfor got up from his throne and looked to his son's husband deep in the eyes.

"This is up to your desicion.

"But king Alfor, I need your approval.

"No. I'm just the image of the kigdom but your father explicity said you make the rules from now on. Just do what you want.

The cold words of Alfor were followed by his fast stepts to the door. Lotor, without thinking much, ran behind him and grabbed him by the arm, realizimg too late what he had done. He inmediatly stepped back and apologized, surpried of his own impulsivity.

"My Lord, what I meant is that I tought you might be interested in the reforms " the half galra said before the man could reprimend his imprudence " . I know I was left i'm charge, but still Altea is your kigdom and your people so...

Alfor kept giving him his back, literally.

"It's the Galra's people now.

This time the prince didn't try to stop him. He sighed, exhausted.
In fact, he loved being in charge of Altea. All the workers were so open to his ideas and the engineers always agreed and gave him new knoledges and ways to build his plans. His voye has never count before, now he felt so important.
But also he felt left out. All his life he wasn't enough of a Galra, now and here he was too much! Every altean in the castle aside his group of workers was scared of him and hated him for his origins. Well, even in the group he was a little feared of.

But the people of Altea, the villagers, they were awesome. So it was worth it. He went at least two times a week to visit different places of the kingdom, he wanted to see with his own eyes what the civilians needed. Maybe that's what made him so popular between them.
Lotor oftenly dreamed about being fully altean. The friends he had made would still like him, but maybe Lance could too. Maybe he could see him smile like he did with his family, maybe he could be given the chance to really know that part of Lance he so admired but never could see in first person.

Lotor took his plans and lots of papers in his hands and walked threw the corridors a little let down beacause of the lastest meeting's result.

Oof, and sure the day would turn worst when he'd arrive to the place he shared with his husband. It was like this everyday.
Wake up, fight with Lance, work all day, fight with Lance threw messages, work more, apparently annoy Alfor, arrive to his room, ignore Lance trying to fight him, work, maybe sleep and luckly eat an apple (water if not).

Perhaps this wasn't healthy.

But there wasn't a soulution either, so he said hi to Lance and sat at the desk without expecting an answer, which surpsingly came out from the Altean's naturally. Was he getting used to the rutine?

Anyways he had no time for thinking about it, the prince took a pen and began designing the interior of one of the new hospitals.

He was halfway done, maybe it had not even passed an hour since he started but the idea was fresh in his mind. When he concentrated, he did it seriously. The rest of the world disappeared, his nose brushed the paper and his hand moved with supernatural speed. He was so hypnotized by the movement of the lines that until Lance had not touched his shoulder he did not notice the heat on his back.

The brunette reloaded his abdomen on the boy's back, his hand slipped from his shoulder to the beginning of the neck and then returned to the starting point marking circles with his fingers.

"What are you doing?" The young king asked, slightly flustered

"Catching your attention because I have been trying to talk to you for five minutes straight" Lance said stepping back

"Oh, well. What do you want?"

The altean sat on the border of their bed, looking right into Lotor's eyes.

"To say sorry " ok what? The Galra just didn't believe that ". And to ask you a favor " alright that made more sense.

Lotor sighed and told the boy to continue.

"It's a little one! My friend loves technology and her birthday is soon, I just wanted to get her a cool piece she doesn't stop talking about "

"Sooo, you want me to get it?"

"No, I already know how to and I'll do it. But the place where I need to go is quite dangerous, the people sell it, you know... "

"Why do you need me as your bodyguard? You can take some soldiers with you.

"But everyone would recognize them. Plus the royal family does not have a pretty good reputation in the streets by the moment.
If a galra goes with me maybe they won't try anything.
Also, the altean people don't seem to hate you, I can't understand it, but anyways I need you."

Maybe they like me cause I try that they don't have to starve, the galra said in his mind.

Lance had never been really nice and his apologies were vague. But he did not want to be his enemy forever.

"Alright, when do we go?"

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