The Worst Husband

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"Lance! For God's sake, can you not jump to death? Is it really that difficult for you to just stay behind?!" Lotor said, catching his breath, after saving the prince's life for second time this evening.

Lance fell to the floor on his knees, panting but not tired enough to stop replying and screaming.

"YOU SAW HOW THAT DUDE LOOKED AT ME!! He would've tried to kill us anyways."

"Ummm, NO! No way " Lotor wanted to kick his ass so bad right now ". Everyone in the street would be curious if they saw a hodded little altean covered in gold, staring at them over his shoulder and just pointing like he is judging everyone!


"WHATEVER, THE POINT IS " the king took a deep breath and counted to three to calm down a bit ", the point is... You have to be careful. Stop trying to fight everyone, we are here for a mission and that's all. No more distractions."

The prince really didn't want to follow Lotor, he hated him so much. But he was saying nothing but the truth, he had to focus. So, mumbling, he got up.

The boys walked threw the city close to each other, the brunet's nose almost touching the galra's back. He leaded the way, but talking. Or at least that's what Lotor said to stop his trantums.
It was safer for Lance to be behind, so his face couldn't be seen so easily.
His hooded brown cape barely covered his ears, he had to stretch it so he could be hided to the nose.

And still his wrists were full of golden bracelets that reflected light and catched everyone's eyes. But he said it would be direspectful for the family to take them off in public.
Some kind of tradition to show the royal family's privilege? Lotor wasn't sure, he just knew one of those jewels could make a delinquent smile in the distance. But he was new in this culture, so he'd stay quiet.

"We are almost there" the altean whispered, touching Lotor's shoulder to wake him up from his trance.

The last streets were all full of simple dwellings, but the buildings slowly started to disappear and they reached a part of the city that wasn't in the maps.

A neglected land with two abandoned houses.

And there it was the place they were looking for.

It was an old shack of wood, covered in moss and with an ugly smell escaping the window unstopabbly.
Lotor covered his mouth and nose with a hand instinctively.
Lance laughed at the act.

"Too delicate to go in?" he teased, raising an eyebrow

"Says the one who's been complaining about the mud over his shoes all the way"

They looked at eachother, serious at first but then broke in laugh.
Maybe this was a good idea after all, thought the king.

"Alright, let's go " Lance said, offering his arm to Lotor.

It made the lilac boy so confused when the prince acted like an asshole and then like a gentleman, like he forgot they were supposed to dislike eachother. But he liked it for sure, Lance could be very nice if he wasn't thinking too much.

A bell ringed when they opened the door and came in. It was worse inside.
The shelfs where about to colapse for all the weight above them. There were instruments, animals, candies, parts of ships, arms, written letters and so much more, covering even the floor as if the objects were a carpet.

A thin young man, with a black parch covering his left eye and that in the place his altean marks should be had only scars that seemed like them, was adding more objects to the collection. That was the punishment for traition in Altea, to get your marks removed so everyone would know you weren't part of the race anymore. And so the people had to leave you aside, even your family. But it was only in extreme cases. Why would Lance know and trust a traitor?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2020 ⏰

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