Part 1

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"Mommy! This one! This one! Pwease." Jess asked, holding a small elephant teddy in her small hands. I took a deep breath as I tried to make my smile not seem forced.
"Of course sweetie, now we really need to go." I was just about to turn around so we could pay when Jessica decided to run away in the other direction. I quickly followed her and tried to pick her up, but she then suddenly started to cry.
"Jess, please, not right now. Why can't you just listen to what I have to say for once?" I sighed, pushing the loose strands of my messy bun out of my face.
"You look quite stressed honey." I heard someone say, causing me to turn around and see a middle aged woman smiling at me.
"Uh, yeah, just a little bit." I smiled.
"How old is she?" The woman asked, turning her attention to little Jessica.
"She's 4." I replied, Jess' crying quietening down.
"Aw. You look young too. Do you mind me asking how old you are?" She smiled, biting her bottom lip.
"I'm 22." I picked Jess up and grabbed my basket.
"That's very young to be a mother. Where's the father?" With my agitation growing, I started to walk away.
"I'm sorry, I really should get going." I smiled, not leaving her a chance to say anymore.

When I arrived home, I flopped myself down onto the couch. Don't get me wrong, having Jess was the best thing that ever happened to me. But having no partner and no mother to help you out sometimes wasn't easy. These past four years have not been easy. When I finally moved to Florida, everything was a bit flat. I had no Kayden, No Hannah and Lucy and Becca, no Dylan and no Jess yet. With the money I saved up, I managed to buy an actual house for myself with two bedrooms. I worked at the local store for a while, gathering up money, but I left when Jess was about to be born. Luckily, I made one best friend called Megan who I met at a coffee place. She looked the same age as me, and she was pregnant too. We started talking and we realised that we lived near each other too. We became closer and closer, and her family took me in as another daughter. They've helped me through so much, especially when I was struggling with Jess at the start. Megan had a baby boy called Lewis and Jessica loves him. Moving onto the people back home, Dylan and I drifted apart after things became so busy. He sometimes tries to make some effort, but for me, it was easier to just let go of everything altogether. Yes, I miss him, but there's nothing I can do about it. And yes, I feel extremely bad for not telling them about Jess- I just couldn't! It's better that they don't know, it's just easier for everyone.

"Hey Amy. Lewis look who it is!" Megan said as she come through the door.
"Hey Meg." Lewis and Jessica started playing on the floor as Megan sat on the couch.
"So, I've been thinking." She started.
"Oh god."
"We need to start getting back out there again, you know?" I grabbed a pillow next to me and groaned into it, causing Megan to chuckle.
"Im being serious!"
"No. Absolutely not." I said, my tone serious.
"Will you ever tell me about your ex? Kelvin?"
"Kayden. Kayden Jones." I breathed out. "We went through things I will never forget." Megan looked at me as of telling me to carry on.
"He was my first love, my only love. But the man he turned into wasn't the boy i fell in love with. He was evil. Crazy." My words started to become shakey.
"I'm sorry. You don't have to carry on." Megan smiled, passing me a glass of water. "We can forget about it now."

"Jessica Stevens you little monkey!" I playfully shouted as she came running to me, engulfing me in a hug. I decided to take her out for a walk on the beach as she started to become restless, and honestly so did I. As we were messing around, I felt someone's stare on me, causing me to move my head around. I instantly locked eyes with a woman-a woman I recognised but couldn't tell where from.
"Lovely day, isn't it?" She smiled.
"I'm sorry, do I know you?" I blurted, suddenly turning red as I realised how rude I sounded.
"I don't mean to be rude, sorry, I just, uh-"
"Don't worry." She chuckled. "I spoke to you in the store yesterday. I recognised you from there, I didn't mean to scare you."
"Yes!" I said awkwardly, looking into her crystal blue eyes as she pushed her blonde hair behind her shoulders.
"My head is scrambled at the minute, everything merges into one." I smiled, her returning one back.
"I remember those days with my son. Best and worst time if my life." She laughed. I felt like I recognised her from somewhere else, but I quickly shut it down as I realised I was just being paranoid.
"She is beautiful, her long hair and her eyes." The woman complimented.
"What do you say, Jess?" I said, gaining her attention.
"Thank you." Jess smiled before hiding herself away against me.
"She looks like you." The woman pointed out. "Does she look like her father?" The thought of Kayden popped in my head, an image I was trying to erase.
"She looks exactly like him. Blonde hair, blue eyes, cheeky smile." I smiled softly.
"Well, you are doing a wonderful job. She looks very happy. I better get going, have a wonderful day." She smiled, looking down at Jessica and back to me before leaving. I let Jess play around for a little while before heading back, Megan texting me letting me know she had made dinner for all of us.

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