Part 4

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"And can I have waffles with a water please?" I asked the waitress as she nodded her head, leaving Yana and I on our own in the booth.
"So tell me how you met Cameron!" I squealed.
"Well, I met him online actually. And I know, I know, not the greatest place to meet." She said in defence.
"Hey, you know me, I don't judge."
"Yeah, I know." She giggled. "Anyway, as soon as we had our first date I just felt a connection. And now, two years later, we're engaged and we live together."
"I'm really really happy for you. But I do have a question."
"Ask away."
"How come you're still working here? You've wanted to quit for ages, even way back to when I worked here." Yana laughed.
"There's nothing else for me to do. I'm not interested in a subject enough to do college. I don't want to travel because I don't want to leave Cameron. It just suits me."
"Fair enough." The waitress came back with our food, Yana and I saying thank you before tucking in.
"I'm so hungry." I moaned, the waffles tasting like pure heaven.

"What's life like in Florida then?" She asked.
"It was hard at first, but I met this girl called Megan who was also in the same situation as me."
"What do you mean by situation?"
"You know, I was pr-" I quickly stopped myself. "Problematic, Yeah. Her boyfriend left her, so we kind of bonded over that." Yana nodded her head as I cleared my throat.
"Her family were really nice to me, and helped me out. I also had some jobs, which managed to pay for my home that I live in now." I smiled.
"I'm so proud of you Aims. You never know, maybe one day I'll come to Florida and surprise you!" She laughed.
"Yeah!" I said, smiling on the outside whilst on the inside screaming 'please never'.
"So, any new people in your life?" She raised her eyebrow.
"No. No way. I don't want that anymore." I explained, causing Yana to roll her eyes.
"Come on! You're 22! You're still young, beautiful, single. What's stopping you?" Jess. Jess is stopping me.
"I don't know." I shrugged. "Anyway, tell me about your wedding plans."

It's a lot later in the day now, and I I decided to go for a walk as it was really hot in Yana's house, but I also wanted to see my old house- alone. I put my hair in a messy bun and out my AirPods in, saying goodbye to Yana as I shut the door. I still remembered the roads and the ways around the place, so I let my feet take the lead and take me to my house. As it started to get into view, the thought of my mom and Kayden flooded through my mind, my stomach having that weird feeling again. I miss him. In a sick, fucked up way, I miss him. I wish everything never happened, and I could start over.

I was about to sit on the bench when a black car started to drive slow down the road, as if it was waiting for me. I started to walk away, but the car followed me. Swallowing, my heart started to beat quicker as my breath quickened. I started to run but the car served in front of me, quickly stopping. I screwed my eyes shut as I raised my hands.
"I don't know what you want but I haven't done anything please don't kill me you have the wrong person-"
"Amy?" The familiar low voice said. I peeled my eyes open to reveal Jason standing in front of me.
"Fuck, Jason. Never do that again." I breathed out, putting my hand on my chest.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. I recognised you as I was driving. What're you doing here?"
"This is my kind of holiday." I shrugged. "This is where your business is?" He nodded.
"So, how come you're out here so late? On your own?" He paused. "And you're lucky that it was me in that car and not some random, strange old man coming to kidnap you."
"How do I know you're not a random, strange old man coming to kidnap me?" I joked, but Jason kept his serious expression. "I wanted to have a walk. This is my old house." I pointed, Jason nodding as he was now stood next to me.
"Let me take you home." He said, placing his hand on my lower back.
"You don't have to do that, I don't want to bother you."
"You're not a bother, Amy." Jason smiled. "Now let me take you home."
'Uh, Yeah, Thank you." I stepped back to walk towards his car but as I did, I tripped on the pavement, grabbing on to Jason which caused him to fall too.
"Oh my god, I am so sorry." I said, my body on top of his. The pause was silent before he started to laugh, causing me to laugh.
"What the fuck happened?" He questioned.
"I'm sorry, I tripped and grabbed you." I laughed awkwardly. Jason stared into my eyes as I stared back, not knowing what to do. I was about to pull away when he suddenly leant up and kissed me, causing me to pull away suddenly.
"I'm sorry, I don't know-" I cut him off my attaching my lips to his again, my hand going to his hair.
"Take me back to your place." He paused.
"You want that?" I nodded my head.

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