08. Dreams & Wishes

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Dear Jimin,

I am happy that you thought that I am worthy enough to be your friend. I never knew what it feels like to have a friend. You see, ever since elementary school no one wanted to be my friend.

Maybe because of my looks, my name or maybe me myself. I grew up into an introvert and nerdy girl. Which gave people another reason to avoid me.

But now I know I am not alone anymore. So here's a gift for you for being my friend. I know how much the school cafeteria food sucks.

So if you want to have a nice meal then there's a place where Happy Meals delivers food.

Go to stands in the football ground. Behind the stands, there are bushes and then the wire fence.

Go under the bushes and you'll find an area where the wire fence is cut. There you will get your food delivered.

The best place to enjoy your takeout is the water tank area. No one goes there during lunch breaks;)

I wish I could talk to you face to face like others do with their friends.

I wish we could hangout like others.

I wish I had shown a bit courage before so we wouldn't have had ended up like this with letters in our hands.

Anyways, find my letter Mrs. Han's flower house.

With love,

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