Chapter Five

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Willow's POV:

45 minutes later

I rush through the trees searching for healing plants and herbs. I had left Jasper with the unconcious male back at the cave, next to the lit fire.  

After finding what I need, I grab a bowl full of clean snow and rush back. 

The man is still out when I enter the cave, Jasper is sitting on his bare, bandaged chest, providing extra warmth.

I chop up some chamomile, goldenseal and echinacea, applying them to his unbandaged leg. They should prevent infection and reduce possible inflammation of the massive wound. 

I also cover it with clean snow, that includes some more goldenseal. After grabbing the clean bandage (I had washed it and hung it over the fire, previously) I retie it around his leg.

"Will that help his wound?" Asks Jasper.

"Well, it's worked before so it will work again," I reply grabbing a cloth. 

"Okay, so I've treated his leg and now I'm going to unbandage and wash his chest. Jasper can you please put the dirty bandages into the pot, next to the fire. I'll need to wash them."

"Yes Willow."

The cloth which I had soaked in some warm water, glides across the man's scarred chest. 

After he did what I asked, Jasper decides to curl up on the man's lap. 

Now he's staring out the cave's entrance


I wring out the cloth and continue carefully cleaning the healing scratches. 

"I'm very proud of you Jasper and I was very lucky to have you with me," I say, breaking the silence between us. 

"Thanks Willow, do you think my family will be worried about me?"

"They will be, but I'm sure either Thomas or the Alpha, will let them know. You are safe with me and your company is really needed right now, as no one else will stay and help me heal a man." I reply, reaching over and scratching his head.

He tilts his head against my fingers, purring in delight. 

Suddenly one of the warrior wolves from before approaches. Jasper goes to greet him, just outside the cave. 

It starts snowing, the snowflakes falling around the talking canines. They approach the entrance of the cave, leaving paw prints behind them. 

"Did you all get back safely?" I ask, tightening my arms around my body.

The wolf nods, "yes the Luna is also glad you are alright as well Willow. She said that what you did was noble and expects you to visit one day."

"Thank her for me please," I reply smiling.

"I will. Alpha also said that I should escort Jasper home. His family will look after him for a couple days. There is a snowstorm approaching, best to bundle down."

"The sky has looked darker recently, thank you for confirming my suspicions," I reply.

He nods again, "come on Jasper, your family is waiting."

I bend down and hug Jasper tightly. A snowstorm could last for awhile, so I may not see him for ages.

"I'm going to miss you Willow. Look after him and stay in the cave. You might need to cover the cave's entrance with something."

"I'll be fine Jasper and I'll miss you too."

Jasper licks my cheek, jumps out of my arms and follows the wolf into the forest. I watch until his bright, orange tail disappears into the trees. Then briskly walk to my traps. 

Now over the years I have perfected my trapping method. Yes, it's awkward when I turn up to various animal meetings and some animals are missing, but hey?

I gotta get my protein somehow, right?

The traps are spread out around the forest, mostly near the bear cave since I spend most of my time there. 

When I get to the first trap I can see it's been successful, a turkey is strung upside down, bout a day old. Still, after it's been plucked and gutted it will make a great meal. I sling the turkey over my back, re-set the trap and continue walking. 

15 minutes later

By the time I reach the cave, dusk has arrived. I look up at the sky, noting how clouds are covering it. Now these clouds aren't your normal clouds, they are storm clouds. 

Great, just fantastic.

I think I'll need to semi-barracade the cave entrance, coz it's gonna get cold. Once inside (the man's still out) I place the rabbit and three turkeys near the firepit and grab my axe.

No, I'm not some axe-murderer who lives in the woods, I just need some firewood. I replant the trees, as I don't want to ruin the forest I live in, but most wood I collect is fallen branches. 

After going back and forth, I manage to add four armfuls of wood to the pile next to the firepit. I wipe my forehead and walk over to the cave entrance. 

Propped upright next to the opening are some slabs of wood. They're light enough to carry and move, but heavy enough to block the entrance from snow, heavy rain, gale winds etc.

After covering the opening there are small gaps, so some snow will get through. I will use that snow to melt down into drinking water. 

20 minutes later

The meat is currently cooking over the fire, filling the room with the smell of roast turkey and rabbit. 

My stomach growls loudly, I haven't eaten since this morning, to busy with today's events. 

How did that man get into this mess?

I'll definitely need to find out when he wakes up. He'll need plenty of liquid and nutritional food. I'll make him drink some chamomille tea as well, since his injuries will cause him to be restless.

I stand up and approach him, his chest heaving up and down. The fire makes the cave rather warm, but I don't take any chances. So I walk to the back of the cave, grab two blankets and my duvet and kneel down next to the man.

Once I drape a blanket over the man's torso (leaving his injured leg uncovered), I drop the other bedding onto the floor next to him. 

I then walk over to the fire. After adding more wood and storing the cooked meat (grabbing a bit) I lie down next to the man. 

Pulling the blanket over me, I stare up at the glowworm covered roof, bathed in the firelight. The storm has definitely begun, since all I hear is muffled wind besides the crackling fire. 

The man is breathing heavily, clearly deep asleep. I take in his facial features; short black hair, tan skin, freckled face, small nose and a firm, stubbled jawline. 

Overall quite handsome. 

But I can't get attached to him, coz as soon as he's healed, Darius will make him leave. Sighing, I roll over and face the blocked entrance, closing my eyes. 

I guess I didn't realise how much energy it takes to heal someone. 

Well goodnight unconcious male and goodnight to me. 


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