Chapter One

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Willow's POV:

I watched as the snowflakes drift slowly down, past my face. Landing on the semi-frozen stream beside me. It's cold, but after a lot of winters, you got used to it. 

Anyway, I'm wearing furs, from the molting animals and stuff....

I stand up, ignoring the twinge of pain in my legs. The bears were hibernating, so I had winter days to myself, most animals bunkered down during these cold months. 

Even Darius hardly talked to me, sometimes but not often. So that's why I hated winters, well just the loneliness. But sometimes when I visited the foxes, Jasper's mom let me take Jasper for a winter exploration. 

No it doesn't sound lame, shut up. 

Anyway, I may as well hit the hay now, winter days here were short. I'll visit Jasper tomorrow, he'll be cuddled up with his pack now anyway. 

The bear's cave was surrounded by pine trees with a small stream next to it. The outside is made of normal grey-black stone, with a medium opening on the right-hand side, large enough for the bears to fit through.

I walk inside, tilting my head up to look at the glowworms, they sparkled against the quartz roof. The cave was split into two rooms, first the entrance/ cooking room. I stored herbs on a stone shelf, above a cooking pit which is currently unlit. 

Then after walking under a small archway outlined by entwined branches, was the sleeping area. Fur mats lined the floor, which caused it to become quite warm. 

The glowworms were the main source of light, there was also a small opening half way up the wall, near the back. I had covered it with some fern curtains, made by yours truly.

I'd made that area below the window, my sleeping place. Since the bears all cuddled in one corner. 

I softly walk over to the wall, to my bed. After weaving ferns, flax and fur strips together, with feathers and moss stuffed inside. I had made the perfect bed, it was portable so I could move it whenever I moved around.

I had also made it large, just in case one of the twins wanted to cuddle with me. I had made this mat comfortable enough, and had purposely over stuffed one end to serve as a pillow.

Sighing, I lay down, pulling my blankets over me. No, I didn't make these, the foxes stole some. What? I've had these since I was 3, so the foxes took some more. Especially since some are getting worn out.

I turn over, looking at my favourite family in the whole forest.

The bears.

No, they didn't try to eat me, they treated me as their oldest cub. Mother Bear and Papa are the parents I never had. As for Bean and Bailey, the siblings I never had. 

The twins were about 3, so I was around when they were born. They immediately thought I was their older sister, so I was. 

I played with them through Spring till Autumn, whenever I got out of my lessons with Darius. They loved Jasper as well, so they were always together in the warmer months. 

I truly loved it here, even if I only had animals to talk too. I pulled the blankets up to my chin and snuggled down. 


"Willow, wake up. Mom said we can go on a winter exploration!" Someone whispers, their paws bouncing up and down on my chest. 

I open my eyes, and see Jasper's mis-matched eyes staring at me. 


"Come on, I have to be back in 2 hours!"

"Okay, okay, give me 10 minutes." I say, stroking Jasper's head.


"Shh, the bears are hibernating," I whisper loudly, sitting up and stretching. 

Jasper nods, jumps off and heads outside. Sighing, I get out of bed and put on my coats. Walking under the arch, I grab some dried meat and bread. 

I made my own jerky and bread. Grain grew far outside the forest, in a plain. I made bread out of it, also dried meat strips, to make jerky. Berries and other fruit/vegetables grew around, as well as herbs.

The forest provided many things, so I had managed quite well for all these years. 

"Willow come on!" Jasper whines pacing in the snow. 

I step into my boots and greet him, "right then, where too?"

Jasper runs ahead, turning back to look at me, I raise an eyebrow. 

"Follow me, Willow!" He scampers off, into the trees.

I follow, running to keep up. The snow isn't too deep as I run after Jasper, passing through the trees. It's really beautiful here, even if I'm struggling to keep up with him.

He suddenly stops about 5 meters in front of me, tilting his head to look back. I walk up to him, breathing in the fresh air. 

"What's up?"

"You were to far behind, so I stopped," Jasper giggled, bumping my leg with his head. 

"What?! I'm not that slow!" I laughed, walking forward. 

"Are too!"

"Are not!"




"Too-wait a minute! Unfair you cheated Jasper!"

Jasper giggled again causing me to giggle with him, he truly is my favourite animal to hang out with!!! 


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