Chapter two: New Bruises and friends

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(Note: Sorry for letting that first chapter hang there in nothingness, I've been flailing around like a fish thrown onto land, or more accurately a Rat Boy faced with the threat of having to be an adult and manage finances)

The tour ended up defying expectations. Really all Lapis had expected was the grumpy blonde to fade into apathetic silence, but it turned out what the blonde lacked in height she made up in sarcastic pesimism, and it led to the duo exchanging quips as the tour went on and the nervousness faded. They discussed the kid who ate a total of five legos, and how the old storage closet would be the best place to hide away from the tiny goblins called children

After an awkward silence passed while watching pearl attempt to get a child to stop eating crayons, they completed the tour at the front desk that peridot totally hadn't seen when she walked in.

To break the suddenly terrible silence lapis cleared her throat and shakily rushed out a "so got any hobbies?"

To that Peridot questionably darted her gaze over to lapis before curtly responding with a "I don't see why that would matter in a workplace" 

After they were yet again reduced to subdued silence for minutes that felt like hours, Peridot blurted out "uh i kinda like this series called camp pining hearts"

"Oh? What's that like?" And with that the silence was broken with Peridot's surprisingly pleasant rambling about different characters, plot holes, and the superior relationship dynamic between what seemed to be a crack ship. It was pleasant and Lapis had actually relaxed when she realized the daycare closed in fifteen minutes. She went a whole day without being barfed on, terribly hurt, or berated by a kid's parent. She had leaned back in her rolling chair behind the front desk, feeling more content than she had in ages. It was short-lived due to the tragic timing of a shrill wail coming from the play room, causing Lapis to flip back in her chair. The thoughts 'I forgot the damn grape juice', and 'so much for not getting hurt today. I wonder what the symptoms of a concussion are' ran through her head as Peridot going the screaming with a nasally "oh mY STARS ARE YOU OKAY"

'well, death isn't imminent, but deafness might be.'

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2019 ⏰

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