13|Can We Talk?

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an: i'm so sorry about this books romance, i haven't really been paying attention to the romance in it. i will work harder on incorporating it in more but the reasoning was that i was hoping to start this book fast so that there was quite a few chapters for you readers to be able to read. i'll work harder on making it better :)

It wasn't a long drive to the cafe and you were there in a short while.

You all got in and took a table near a window. It wasn't long until you were all deep in conversation.

"So have you trained him out of the mindset of strongest wins?" You asked Mark, starting a new conversation after the previous one had died down.

"Not quite yet, this boy right here has a fairly thick skull, it's hard to break things through to him." He laughed whilst also making you and Minho laugh. 

You spent about an hour there, just sitting at the table, talking about anything that came to mind. 

Eventually, Minho was the first to get ready to stand up. 

"Well, I think we should start heading off, it's getting a bit late." He said.

"Yeah, it is." Mark replied to him. You noticed how this one outing made Mark become a little bit looser around Minho.

You all started to leave but before you could get to the car Mark quickly stood at your side.

"Hey Y/N can I quickly talk to you." He hesitantly asked. 

"Yeah sure what's up." You asked as he led you to a more private space. 

"I don't want Minho to hear about this or else he would flip his shit at me, but I was wondering if some time soon you'd like to go out for dinner with me?" He shyly asked as a slight blush crept its way onto his cheeks. 

"Yeah sure, I'd love to. Name a date and time and I'll be there." You smiled back to him. 

"How about Saturday at eight, is that good with you?" 

"Definitely, where should I meet you?" 

"I was thinking maybe I'll come and pick you up." He smirked

"Ok great, sounds perfect." You said as you turned to head back to Minho's car. 

Just as you were about to get in the car you said a quick goodbye, eager for Saturday to come quicker. 

When you and Minho were driving back home, you thought it would be best to tell him that you were going to dinner with Mark. 

His reaction to it was unidentifiable. He showed no expression on his face. 

After a while of silence you thought that he had not heard you so you went to start speaking again but just before you could, he spoke. 

"You know you're going to have to tell Chan right, he might not be happy letting you go alone with Mark. It would be for your safety, but also ours incase you decide to run."

"I wouldn't do that, you know that." You defended yourself. 

"Yeah I know you wouldn't, but it's just for safety."

"Well I guess you're right." 

"You know I'm right." He mucked with you.

"Sure sure, think what you like." You replied back.

You stayed quiet for the rest of the ride back home, just listening to the music playing.

As you were sitting there thinking, it fully dawned on you how much it got under your skin that you had to tell Chan that you were going out with Mark, but you didn't know why. 

In a short time you were back home. Stepping out of the car you felt your heartbeat quicken a few paces. 

Sighing deeply, you made your journey to the front door. 

As you got inside you decided to quickly go upstairs and wash up and change out of your clothes and into some cool and comfortable attire since you weren't planning on leaving the house again that day since it was quite hot. 

When you were done you headed downstairs to lounge around. You saw Felix rushing around trying to find something so you decided to ask if he needed help. 

"Hey Felix, what are you doing?"

By the time you were asking him, he had pulled his phone from one of the draws in a table near by. As he stood back up straight he saw you standing there watching him with a judgemental face.

"Hey, Y/N, I was just trying to find my phone that Chan took from me." He said with a slight tinge of annoyance laced with it.

"Hey Chan?" Felix called out waiting for a response. 

"Yeah what's up." He asked rounding a corner into the room you were all in. 

"Did you happen to hide my phone when you took it off me?" He accused him.

"Yeah, you got too distracted on it, I only thought of it fair." He calmly replied.

"Whatever, I'm still mad you took it off me." Felix whined whilst leaving the room.

You stood there watching him leave before you remembered that Chan was there as well which caused you to look over at him, at the same time he looked over to you.

"Hey, since it's quite hot today, we were all thinking of going in the pool, wanna join?" He asked you.

"Yeah sure, why not, I'll just go get changed."

Since he hadn't changed yet either you both walked up the stairs together.

As you got into your room and looked for bathers, you realised that you didn't have any.

Walking over to Chan's room, you thought it could be risky seeing him changing but you knocked anyway. 

He opened the door to you, shirtless once again.

"Damn Y/N, you need to stop catching me like this." He smirked down to you causing you to blush and lower your head. 

"Hey, there's no need to be embarrassed by that, you look cute with pink cheeks." He joked around again whilst tilting your chin to meet his soft gaze. 

"I-I was just here to ask if there were any bathers, I-I didn't get any." You stuttered, flustered by his body, actions and words.

"Ahh ok." He lowly chuckled. "I'll go and see if I can get you some." 

He walked down the hall and came back soon with some bathers in his hand.

"Here, try these on, they should fit you." 

You thanked and took them from him and went to your room to see what they looked like. 

They fit you beautifully. You finished getting ready and then opened your door to leave, but right before you could you saw Chan quietly waiting for you at your door. 

"What are you.." You didn't fully finish before he started talking.

"I just wanted to see how good you looked in it before everyone else does. By the way, you look good in that." He smirked at you whilst bringing up your self confidence.

"O-oh, thanks." You slightly asked. 

"Well, let's go, the others are probably in already." 

You followed him out the hallway wrapping your towel around yourself and walking quickly behind him to avoid the looks from the others.

Chan noticed your slight discomfort of being basically naked around nine males so he pulled you closer to him under his arm for protection where you felt safe.

As you got outside, the first thing you saw was a mix of emotions on Felix's face ranging from an open mouth at what he witnessed and then into a small grin.

(word count/ 1256)

an: so sorry, but anyone who is continuously reading this, can you please comment saying you are. i'm just trying to see if i have any fairly active readers. 

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