15|Just Give Up

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You woke up the next day by a soft knock on your door. 

"Hey, I want to tell you something, meet me in my office when you're ready, there's no rush so take your time." Chan let you know. It seemed as though he had only just woken up since his hair was slightly messy like he had tried to flatten it before exiting his room. 

You slowly started to get up, letting yourself wake up first before you started moving. 

It wasn't long until you had finished getting ready and then you headed out of your room and headed towards Chan's office. 

"Hey, what'd you want to tell me?" You asked as you sat down opposite him. 

"I was thinking, I'll get Felix to take you to your house at roughly five o'clock, that way it's safe enough to not get caught and the two of you can just chill there for a while. I'll also have him eventually go to the restaurant that you are going to, just for safety." He told you.

"One thing, he never told me what restaurant we're going to, he wanted it to be a surprise." 

He thought for a second. "Ok, easy fix, I'll give you a phone with a tracker in it, that way we know everywhere you go and if there is some sort of problem. If you want, you can just go in the ring for today since it would be too hard to get all the way to the gym and back before you will have to go. Minho and Changbin should be down there practicing already."

"Ok, thank you." You both stood up and exited his office.

"Oh, and by the way, go a bit softer on Minho in the ring, I wanna see how well he will do." 

"Ahh, well, no can do. I can't just drop my title as best boxer now can I?" You both laughed.

"Nah, it'll be fun to see him gloat about beating me for once." You added on.

You spent the day just boxing with Minho and Changbin, you had let him win a fair few times with him running and jumping around the ring in celebration. As it got later in the day most of the guys had come down and joined in.

You had just defeated Felix and waited for the next person to come up. Chan eventually climbed into the ring facing you.

"Yay, I can finally get my revenge for yesterday." You remarked.

"We'll see about that Baby Doll." 

"Ohh, pet names already, I love it." Felix commented.

You both sent him a death glare before beginning your fight. 

At one point he had gotten you on your back and held you down on the ground. You couldn't move and were stuck underneath him no matter how hard you struggled. 

"Oh, come on Chris, have some decency to yourself. Getting down and dirty on a lady right in front of my salad." It was Felix again.

"Felix, I swear to god, if you don't shut up I will murder you." Chan looked up to Felix whilst unintentionally loosening his grip on you. 

You took the opportunity to punch him in the chest causing him to fully release his hold on you, which caused Felix to burst out in laughter. As his grip loosened, you tried to stand up he caught your leg, dragging you down again, your back hitting the floor with a thump.  

He took you by the waist and pined you to the floor,  making you once again, unable to move. His grip was strong and you were sure it would leave bruises, but you didn't care as of now and were determined to win. 

"You really think you could get away?" He cockily asked.

"Yeah, I actually did. I guess you're just too strong." You cooed whilst bringing your hand to his cheek. 

"You know Baby Doll, your intentions aren't well hidden, I can spot them from a mile away." He took your hand into his and twisted your arm locking it behind your back. "Just give up now and you won't get too embarrassed." 

"Fine, I give up." You knew that it was basically even between the two of you and that the fight would never end, so you just gave up.

Once he released you, you all started to head out so that you could go on doing each of your things and so that you could get ready to go and see Mark. 

You took all of your makeup and put it in your bag so that you could get ready at your own house. You planned on choosing a dress when you got there with help of Felix. 

You made sure you had everything ready before you went and told Felix, but before you got out of your room, he walked in. 

"Hey, you nearly ready?" He asked.

"Yeah, I just have to get my hair brush and then I'm good."

"Ok sweet."

It wasn't long until you were outside the house and in the car. 

Chan quickly walked out and gave you the tracking phone, you made sure to put it in your pocket so that you knew where it was.

Soon enough you had said goodbye and were on the road driving to your place. 

(word count/890)

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