31|Please Come

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It had been weeks since you had left your house, the only time when it was necessary to go shopping to get food, even then you still didn't have much of an appetite and had lost quite a bit of weight.

As you were walking to the kitchen to get yourself a drink, you heard a knock on your door. You weren't expecting anyone so you were suspicious, but answered anyway.

"Felix? What, why are you here?" You asked, surprised by his sudden appearance.

"Y/N, are you ok? You don't look healthy." He ignored your question.

"I'm fine Lix, why are you here?" You diverted the question again.

"I missed you, we all did, we all want you back." He spoke to you.

"I miss you guys too, but I can't." You replied.

"If this is about Chan, he wanted to talk to you about that, please don't shut him out like this, he hasn't been doing well. He hasn't spoken to anyone since that day, none of us really know what happened. And I'm betting you've done the same, I'm not leaving here without you."

"Did he even tell you what he did?" You asked him with tears in your eyes.

"Not fully, I don't think."

"He shot Mark, and he knew how much he meant to me."

"Y/N, Chan would never purposefully do something like that, he would never mean hurt you in any way. You just need to come and talk it through. If he truely did, and you don't want to face him, that's fine, but don't cut the rest of us out because of it."

"I-I can't." You tried to get your way out of it, dreading looking into Chan's eyes.

"And why not?" Felix asked.

"I-I, I don't know." You confessed.

"Y/N please just come back, you need some company, and you need to eat a proper meal."

"Um, o-ok, but I don't want to see him, at least not for now." You hesitated.

"Easy done, I'll tell him to give you space until your ready to talk."

"Thank you Lix." You hugged him, instantly missing the feeling of Mark's warm arms or even Chan's sometimes for that matter.

You packed your stuff and headed out to Felix's car, getting in the passengers seat.

As the two of you drove back to the house, you stared out the window, zoning out from the world, not even having any thoughts in your head, unintentionally letting a few tears fall.

The soft touch of Felix's hand, delicately wiping away a tear brought you back to the real world, you gently took his hand from your face and held it in your lap.

"It's going to be ok Y/N, everything will sort itself out." He tried to reassure you, you didnt want to speak back, so you just lightly squeezed his hand to indicate that you had listened.

You were nearly home and he quickly turned his head to you before looking back to the road.

"I'll tell Chan to give you some space, but one thing that I cannot guarantee is the complete separation from him. Since your room is still opposite his, there is bound to be some times that you'll run into each other. But just know that the quicker you speak to him, the easier it will be, and everything will become clear for both of you. I can't stand seeing both of you like this, I miss everyone being happy and cheerful, including the two of you."

His words really hit you, and unintentionally made you feel selfish. Not only were your emotions impacting on Chan's happinesst, but also the rest of the gang.

"O-ok, I'll try as soon as I can." You mumbled, just loud enough for him to hear.

The two of you finally pulled up into the driveway and he told you to stay in the car for a few minutes while he sorted everything out.

Shortly after he walked back to the car and told you you could go inside.

"I quickly told them you were here, and what the deal was, he understood and agreed that he would stay out of your way until you're ready to talk."

"Thank you, really, it means a lot." You smiled to him.

The two of you walked into the house, the other members apart from Chan were there, leaving a small ache in your heart, but you were still happy to see them again.

(word count/755)

an: sorry it's so late :( it's been a busy week

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