21|You're Doing Well

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The next morning you woke up comfortably. You eventually opened your eyes and saw that you were changed into your sleepwear and were in your bed. 

You quickly freshened up your face and headed outside. 

As you stepped out of your door, you saw Han walking past.

"Good morning sleepy." He smiled at you.

"Morning, who changed m..."

"Chan." He answered your question before you could even ask it. 

"How did you know I was going to ask who brought me to bed?" 

"Your face said it, you looked confused and there wouldn't be much around here to look like that about." He laughed. 

"Oh." Was you said back.

You since you were both heading to the kitchen you decided to walk and talk with each other. 

"Ok so, today I'm going to teach you a little bit more and then you should know most of the basics, then we'll bring in the others and you'll go against each of them. After everyone's happy with where you're at you'll train as usual with a bit of everything else. It shouldn't be too hard so you should be fine."

"Ok sounds good." You replied. 

The two of you quickly ate and then got ready for the big day ahead. 

You were ready in no time and headed down to the training rooms to start.

The two of you had practiced hard for a while and decided to stop for a drink, as you did, some of the other members came into the room.

"How's she going, she doing terrible like you said?" Minho laughed to Jisung. 

"Yeah she's getting nowhere, she won't pick up a thing, it's all just useless." He teased you back with Minho.

"I'll show you who hasn't improved." You quickly ran and jumped onto Han's back catching him off guard, but that didn't last long until you were laying on your back on the floor after being dropped from his back.

"Y/N, you should know I'm rarely caught off guard, plus if I am, it's easy to dominate the fight and still be safe." He laughed as he held out his hand for you to take to be able to stand. 

"Wanna try with me? I want to see what you're made of." Minho smiled at you.

"Why not." You returned the smile. 

The two of you had both tried attacking and defending yourselves, taking it in turns. 

It was good to try it with Minho as well since he had a slightly different style of attack to Han. You figured that the more people you practised with, the better you would get since everyone has their own unique ways of fighting and moving. 

After a little while, more of the members joined in to train with you and help you. 

When it was time for Changbin to test you, you became quite nervous because of his obvious amount of muscle compared to the others eventhough some of them, like Chan, were close to his size. 

As you were preparing yourself for an attack from any angle, you saw many figures running towards you. You didn't think, but should have known that they would test you to see how well you would react to many opponents at once.

You quickly looked around and checked how many of them there were, when you figured that out, you scanned the room for where it would be safe to go to, even if it was just for that time being. 

As you ran there, you felt someone grab the back of your shirt and yank you back into them, holding their hand around your neck. 

"You're doing good but you still need some work." Chan said deeply to you.

You struggled for a second and then stopped and thought of a plan. 

You tried to turn to face him and surprisingly he let you. 

"Well I guess you should be teaching me all that I need to know since Jisungs not good enough." You said back loud enough so that the others could hear, especially Jisung for teasing you before. 

"Funny thing is though, your hand around my neck isn't necessarily a disadvantage to me, it doesn't bother me much at all." You whispered so only he could hear it in the most tantalising way possible, leaning into him slightly. 

As he heard this he smirked and span you back around.

"You're quite tempting, but I know what you're playing at, it no longer works on me Babydoll. However, this is very useful. I can resist, but Hanbin and his men can seem to be at times, quite greedy. You would need to know that you are fully safe when putting yourself in that position, but it would work quite well." He thought out loud after having a smart idea. 

"Right we'll finish this up and then have a break for a while." He said to everyone which they all agreed with. 

"Damn, didn't know you were that seductive, it's quite scary, but it can be an extremely important part in all of this." Han nudged you and laughed a little which you did too. 

Everyone helped clean up and Chan left a little bit earlier to be able to figure out how the deal could go down and the ways everybody would play a relavent part to be sure of everyone's safety. 

You all finished cleaning quickly and headed back up to the house to make some food before beginning again. You all rested and sat down for a while enjoying the time to not be having to do something.

(word count/933) not including a.n

i am so sorry to be so late in updating. i've been quite busy and haven't had much time to write but i hope you enjoyed this chapter and have been happy and healthy whilst i haven't been on :)

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