18|What Is This?

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You woke up the next morning with a smile on your face as you remembered the events of last night. 

Although it was just a simple kiss, it easily brought a smile to your face.

You turned around to see if he was awake, but the first thing you were met with was a small kiss on your forehead. 

When he pulled away you were quick to move your head and kiss him on the lips. As he started kissing back, the kiss became much more passionate. 

Mark pulled you onto his lap, placing his hands on your waist. As you began to slowly move your hips, his grip on them tightened, you had completely forgotten about the bruise on your waist from training, that was until he had pressed down on it unknowingly. 

A slight jolt of pain ran through your body, causing you to react to it. Worried that he had done something wrong, Mark stopped kissing you, but his hands were kept in place. 

His finger hovered right over the bruise and as he readjusted his hands on your hips, he accidentally hit it again, causing you to wince in pain. 

"What's wrong, did I do something wrong." He asked, afraid that he had somehow screwed something up. 

"No, don't worry about it, it's fine, I'm alright." You reassured him. 

He rubbed your back in comfort, once again hitting the bruise, causing you to have the same reaction. 

"No, there's something wrong, what is it? At least let me check." He asked you, which you slowly nodded to.

He lifted a part of the shirt you were wearing, trying to see if there was some type on injury on you. As he got closer to the bruise, you grabbed his hands to try to stop him, in fear of how big the bruises were. 

"Mark, I don't want you to see it." You begged him to not check you any more. 

"Y/N, please don't hide this from me, if you're injured, you might need help, let me try to help, please." You could tell that he was only wanting to do good for you, but you knew that it would only be worse if he found out about it. 

Not knowing what to do, you slowly began moving your hand off of his, allowing him to continue assessing you for any damage. 

He lifted the shirt slightly again and began checking to see any wounds. 

As he got closer to the bruise, you carefully watched him, wanting to know how he would take it.

He lifted up the part of the shirt that covered the bruise and his eyes widened. 

"Y/N, wh-what is this?" You didn't want to look down at what it looked like, but you did anyway. 

On your hips lay big bruises, clearly visible that it was given to you by a person, not by just bumping into something.

"I didn't want you to worry, but like I told you, it's fine." You tried to reassure him, placing your hand on his cheeck. 

"How did you get them? Who gave them to you?" His face grew into a frown. 

"I-I, I don-" 

"Y/N, please don't lie to me." He asked of you. 

You let out a little sigh, slightly pissed that you were a terrible liar. 

"I was with Minho one day. W-" 

"Don't tell me he did something to you." You could see his frustration was building up so you grabbed his hand and gave it a little squeeze. 

"No, we were bored one day and so we decided to do some training, he got me to the ground but in order to do so, he had to drag me quite hard. I will say this, he has a very strong grip." You tried to end it on a slightly funnier note, ignoring the fact that all of what you said was a lie.

"I swear, the next time I see him, I will beat his ass." He said with a bit of humour in it. 

You smiled and then lent in again, giving him a small kiss before laying down again.

He pulled you closer to him, resting your head on his chest.

"So, how did you sleep?" He asked you.

"Very good, your bed is so comfy." You quietly giggled. 

"Maybe you should come and sleep in it more often then?" He offered with a small smirk.

"Maybe I just might." You replied.

The two of you stayed in bed for a while longer, enjoying each other's comfort. 

It didn't feel like long until you both thought that you should get up. 

You headed to the kitchen behind Mark who showed you the way there. 

He quickly cooked you both some eggs and bacon while you made a smoothie for both of you. 

You sat down at the table and began eating whilst talking to each other. 

"So, I think that I might start heading into the gym more often, I figure if I want to get back in again, I've gotta work hard."

"Is this your way of trying to see me more?" He teased you. 

"I don't know, maybe it is." You laughed back. 

"Well that's good to hear, I'll more than usually be in there everyday, so I can help you out a lot." He smiled to you. 

"Sounds good." You winked at him.

You both finished your food, and then decided that it was time for you to head home. 

You got all of the stuff you needed, as you were about to get changed into your dress from last night, he stopped you. 

"Don't worry about changing back into that, it doesn't look comfy. I'll give you some clothes of mine to wear." 

He went into a draw and pulled out some clothes for you, before handing them to you. 

You took them and thanked him, changing into them quickly. He have you a t-shirt and some shorts, both of which, became enormously big on you. 

"You look so cute, like you could fit into my pocket." He laughed. 

"You all good to go?" He asked you.

"Yep, all set." 

You both walked to his car, putting your stuff in the back and then climbing into it. 

The two of you eventually started driving, heading back to your place. 

It wasn't long before you reached there. He helped you carry some of your stuff in and placed it in your room. 

You both headed to the door and you gave him a quick kiss goodbye.

When you saw him drive away, you shut your door. The moment it clicked, you heard a phone ringing. 

"Oh shit, they would be worried like fuck about me." You quietly scolded yourself. 

You ran to try and find the phone, checking the caller before you answered it. 


"Hello." You waited for the backlash you were going to get from last night.

(word count/1154)

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