Harmony Wave

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Hi there everyone it's me again! I've been reading a bunch of fics about one character jumping from one franchise to another. So I made one of my own with a unique twist tell me what ya think afterwards. Oh the usual disclaimer, I don't own anything besides the OC's that appear throughout the story.

The name is Harmony, I'm a 18 year old girl with blond hair and sea green eyes. I'm extremely pale as well from hardly ever being out in the sunlight, and when I do I BURN no such thing as tanning when it comes to me. My favorite colors are red and gold and I love to write. From simple poems to full out novels, I just NEED to write. It's an uncontrollable urge I have since I could first write, if I don't write something at least once a day I get rather twitchy and snappish which worries my guardian whose more like a parent to me.

His name is Soundwave. Probably in my book the most AWESOME deception EVER in my book. Sure I've never seen his face due to the gold visor over it but I love the red and gold mech like I would a father. Not to mention my siblings-Ravage,Rumble,Frenzy,Laserbeak,Ratbat,and Buzzsaw- Who are the best I could have ever asked for. All the other cons are family to me as well. Who would fight the Autobots denta and bolt just to keep me safe from them.

You see when I wasnt even born when the Autobots had first landed and ruthlessly attacked every town they came across. Even a sting group from our own government joined them and gave vital information to them. Soon everyone learned to fear the name N.E.S.T. And Optimus Prime.

Soon, when all hope seemed lost the Decepticons came. With Megatron as their leader they began to fight back against them even with the overwhelming odds. And a super secret government group called Sector Seven soon began to help them under the radar so N.E.S.T. wouldn't get suspicious of human help.

And my parents were right in the middle of it all. They were the liaisons between us humans and the cons. Megatron and the others loved them and were more than thrilled when my mother annuonced that she was with child. The base was soon becoming baby proof with the help of the Constructicons and Shockwave. Along with almost every seeker giving them toys,and blankets, and such and claiming they would never allow anything happen to the sparkling of their friends and allies as long as their sparks beat. Soundwave had even recorded lullibies in both human and Cybertronian into his memory for him to use. It was such a joyous time, they should have known it would not have lasted.

The bots soon attacked the base without mercy. Holding off as long as he could Megatron ordered both Soundwave and KnockOut to take my parents and run for safety. When they finally got to the small bomb like shelter they had built for occasions such as this my mothers water had broken, the baby was coming 3 weeks early and in the middle of an attack! Talk about timing, while KnockOut worked with my mother using his holoform-of course- my dad had gone into a small armory in the shelter and returned in what looked like Navy Seal combat armor and such with small hybrid guns with a mix of con and human technology. He had a determined look on his face and claimed he was going out to protect his wife and baby from those monsters.

My mother pleaded from him not to go while she was still in labor saying she wanted her baby to at least be able to see its father once when it entered the world. Father only kissed her on the lips and warned both mechs there that if they didn't protect his family with their sparks he would be coming for them. Wether he was dead or not. That was the last time anyone ever saw him alive.

After and agonizing 8 hours I was born. I had made not a sound at first making everyone one in the room worry until I opened my eyes for the first time and gave a small coo and lifted a tiny hand as if trying to reach for something. My mother, tired and still a bit in pain, held me close to her still crying with reflief and sadness that I was alright but I may never know my father. Both the cons present were mazmerized at the sight of me and even fell in love with me as if I was their own child.

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