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Hey bots and cons it's me with the newest update for New World, New Family *squeals*. I nearly overloaded myself with the fluff and emotions I put in here! Anyway, lots of you have been asking me about what is happening back in the Shattered Glass world with Frenzy and Harmony's family. And as an answer for that this chapter takes place in 3rd P.O.V. following Soundwave and the other cons after the portal and the explosion happened. Prepare to cry at some points is all I gotta say. Now, time to start the story...

"HARMONY!"Soundwave cried out as he saw not only his casseticon get sucked into the strange portal but his only daughter as well before they vanished in the flash of black light before the vortex winked out of existence and Wheeljack's invention went up into a fiery explosion sending every one there from the shock-wave.

"Autobots, fall back there is nothing here for us now." Primes voice boomed causing all of his followers to shakily get up and drive off in their alt modes. Wheeljack was far from willing to leave after they had destroyed his masterpiece but after he nearly got his helm chopped of by his own leaders sword he dared not to argue the point. The half-online cons looked up as their enemies flee from what was left of the battlefield till only their leaders sworn enemy was left and had this malicious but pleased gleam in his optics and if he had a face they had no doubt that he would be giving them all a cruel smirk.

"You may have beaten my forces Megatron, and destroyed Wheeljack's device, but you have failed in keeping your pet human safe from us once again. Only this won't be able to rescue her. Nor that little pest of yours." And after giving a dark chuckle he transformed into his 18 wheeler form and drove off taking this sense of victory with him.

Megatron was calling to the others asking for their condition and if they were alright but his TIC and communication specialist was paying them no mind, Soundwave was frantically searching the surrounding area as well as their comm signals for any sign of his children that had vanished from their view. His other children came out and searched the area as well. Their panic grew as they began to feel the inactivity with not only Harmony's bond but also Frenzy's, the worst was that they couldn't FEEL them anymore. That usually meant one thing, and the could not bear to think of what happened to Rumble happening to them.

"HARMONY! FRENZY!" Soundwave began to call out his voice filled with panic and worry. His spark was going crazy in its chamber as it frantically tried to find the bond with his missing creation and his adoptive daughter via telepathic bond. The others were beginning to worry when he tried to run only for his injuries-nearly destroyed left leg and a dangerously large dent to his helm-caused him only to fall back down onto his servos and knees venting harshly. He could hear the others calling at him to take it easy and let Knockout take a look and repair him but he did not acknowledge them, he was too busy trying to find them and forcing himself back up onto his pedes to go look for his children to notice.

"Soundwave, my dear friend, please calm yourself. Panicking like this will not help yourself or them, let the doctor take a look at you and repair you so we can all search for them together." Megatron tried to calm his TIC and laid a servo on his shoulder. But with his current state of mind along with his injuries plus his battle computer Soundwave found this action a threat and actually attacked him with his remaining creations helping them. He was very similar to what Sideswipe was like when they first found him with the offlined frames of his twin and their version of Cliffjumper. Attacking anyone and anything in optic range until they either were back with him or he was sedated.

It took all of them to hold them all down for Knockout to finally get them sedated enough for them to go into stasis and be moved back into base for repairs. But they were not the only ones affected by their two companions disappearance.

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