Encounter and Chase

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Hey I'm here with the new Chap of Harmony's story for ya! And I must say this chapter was exciting for me to imagine. After all, What kind of Transformer fanfic would this be if there wasn't a car chase? Anyway, disclaimer on the first chapie and now onwards towards the action! And yes I know I don't ever use the overused P&J pairing but it's not going to be very romantic or anything. This is mostly going to be a family based fic with lots of swearing and that's it. After all, I don't get the mech on mech thing being attractive but then again I'm evil yes but I'm not disturbed enough to try to imagine yaoi. Seriously guys, how disturbed are you? I've seen romances written that the MC was a different gender than the author. How do you KNOW these things?! Anyway, rambling over and story time now.

Harmony's P.O.V.

"Fuck,Frag,glitch,slag,damn,etc.." That was all about came out of my mouth as Frenzy increased his speed so much that the G-forces pressed against my body that I'm pretty sure my knee was shattered and placed somewhere else than where it should be. And in my pain I'm pretty sure that some of the curse words I spewed was something I just created. Under my brothers panic and determination I felt humor laying underneath it. If Soundwave heard me now, I'm sure he'd glitch right then or there, amazing on how a foul language one can learn when a former bot thought of themselves as your older sibling. 

'Only you Harms, could curse enough to make Cliffjumper glitch when you're in a chase.' Frenzy told me on the link. The world was nothing but a blurr and a wind tunnel formed around us to make us even go faster. Looking over my shoulder I could still see the cars behind us, no doubt about it now. No Earth made automobile would travel this fast. But as obvious as always these were AUTOBOTS after us and they can easily keep up with us.

'Quiet you, we have to get the slag outta here before we become ghosts for all eternity.' Was my only response as I tried to ignore the screaming pain in both my head and my knee. I carefully peeked around my shoulder and saw the Solstice was back along with the muscle car. Fuck, we can't out run them on the road. Autobots are the kings of the road with their mainly ground-pounder force. And Frenzy can't fly very high or for very long. We are doomed in a manner of speaking, but we can still give them a hell of a run before we go out. How will this affect the future I wonder? Nevermind, can't think of that now.

Before Frenzy could reply a huge black TMC pickup truck swerved onto the road in front of us along with two NEST vehicles with Gatling guns. FuckfukfuckfuckfuckFUCK!

Frenzy swerved as fast as he could, sadly forcing my very badly damaged knee to scrape along the speeding highway with great force. Unable to stop myself I let out a scream of pure agony sending out a telepathic wave pulsing with the amount of pain I was in. The NEST troops recovered from the mental attack quickly and began to fire on us as Frenzy righted himself and began to swerve to avoid the bullets. The 'bots seemed to be taking longer to recover than them, maybe because they are in shock that I was able to put out a wave that powerful even though I was a mere human 'squishy'.

Frenzy took a shot in the proverbial dark and shot straight into the woods near the highway as the larger Cybertronians took their bipedal form. I could here rather colorful swears from what sounds like Ironhide only with a...british accent? Wasn't he suppose to have a southern accent? Again nevermind about that now, need to focus on staying alive. Otherwise both me and my adoptive brother are fragged to the pits for all eternity.

I could hear smaller caliber guns and the shouts of the soldiers as they chased us by foot through the trees. It was strange I didn't hear the 'bots footsteps or their gunfire either, normally they don't care about collateral damage or harming their allies or nature or the Earth in general. Even though I'm focused on staying on Frenzy and such I could still hear the tiny voice in my head saying...What the frag is going on here?

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