Blaster and answers

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 Onwards with the story before I begin to ramble!

The new arrivals made landfall today. Whoppie, it has been two months since I have been a guest to the fragging Autobots. And I have nearly passed out several times at the sheer WEIRDNESS of this whole situation. After I had stopped screaming at the sight of the NEST team they kept asking me nicely on stuff like who my parents are and slag like that on stuff they very fraggin well know. When they finally gave up the 'bots gave it a try, but after what I had told Jazz I had spoken not a word since then. Unless you count the bond between me and Frenzy.

He's in the brig now though, fully repaired and given the supplies once and awhile he needs to continue to function. And he finds it very amusing to annoy Ironhide so he is going to be fine, even before everyone had stared to act like we're in the Twilight Zone the weapon specialist wouldn't offline a mech, femme, or sparkling without Prime's seal of approval.

But I must admit, when he sends me his memories on what is happening down there I can't help but laugh.

Me still trapped on medical berth though, sad face.

This Ratchet freaks me out though, he has bad bedside manor and he is LOVING to me and even downright PROTECTIVE! Once when I was small I had been captured by the 'bots in an effort to kill Megatron or at least Soundwave. And I had been his...toy...during my near month in the 'bots 'care'.

Goldbug, who insists his name is Bumblebee by they way, has been downright STRANGE. He's like an oversized puppy now with a hint of sparkling in their. He keeps trying to make me laugh too with his weird radio talk. And I still think he's lying when he is saying that Megatron did this to him. Even to an enemy Megs would never maim a mech like that, Optimus would though just to try to get me on their side of the war.

Ironhide only comes when Ratchet drags him in for some reason or another, he growls at me and I brush his thoughts very lightly to find he thinks I am a willing spy or assassin for the 'cons. Pfft, if I wanted to kill any of them right now or take all their secrets from them I could easily do that here and now. Though I would be stuck in a base without weapons or a being to 'protect' me from the sadistic humans that are on this base since Frenzy can't get out of his cell at the moment. SO no killing for me, sad face.

Optimus Prime...WHAT THE FRAG! That's all I gotta say right now. I sensed his WILLING mind and it's not even close to the pit of sparkeaters that I thought it would ever be. In fact, there's not a single violent thought in there! Or emotion, or plan, or memory outside the battle field. I still think this is a very elaborate rues, somehow. But I still can't help but marvel in the fact his mind is more peaceful than even Megatron's is.

Jazz is a frequent visitor of mine. Still don't get how I didn't notice that HE was the one I temporarily mind linked to and saved his sorry warmongering aft. Only one other 'bot has that accent of his and I would NEVER mistakenly enter HIS mind. But, he comes here and constantly talks to me, about pranks, his sparkmate Prowl who I would never have guessed to be the one to 'settle down' being a emotionless, ruthless, calculator that he is. And other such things just to try to get me to talk again. But I held my ground and made no sound nor did I respond to his pathetic attempts to try to activate a mind link with me again.

I would have thought the 'bots would be better and shielding their minds than they were. After all, they have been giving my adoptive creator a very hard time when we managed to capture one and interrogate them.

Again I claim an unusually very well planned ruse.

I was left alone in Medbay as they went to greet their companions, no surprise there. And still trapped to the berth, again, no surprise.

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