Uh, What?

449 19 7

Hey it's me, you know the routine. The only thing I own is the OC's that appear though out the story. Anyway onward with the story! Warning, Brother/Sister Fluff throughout the chapter.

Ugh, why does everything hurt right now? And why was Frenzy on top of me?

Oh yeah...The bots and their thing-a-ma-bob that went boom after it sucked me in. Along with one of my brothers. I have the feeling that Soundwave is going to kill us later after of course the other cons smother me trying to make sure I was okay. As I looked around from my current spot under my sibling I saw we were in the same clearing as before, only there wasn't a sign of anything besides forest life here. My personal HUD was offline making my helmet pretty much nothing but a fancy bikers helmet. But...YES! My MP3 was still working inside it! YUSH! That's a plus for me.

Though I had still one problem.

"Frenzy. Get your fat titanium aft off of me before I become a human pancake." I said while my voice was still muffled from my helmet. I knew he was awake, he was just being a glitch and was staying where he is.

"Nah uh Harms, your too comfy. Besides I ain't detecting any bots around, I could use a little stasis nap."Sadly this is not the first time something like this has happened to me. My siblings while small were heavy and metal. But for some reason they all like to dog pile onto me while I was sleeping, guess that's one way to strengthen a bond with family. And Soundwave doesn't even try to stop them from doing it even though he knows that I'm a little uncomfortable with this occurrence will only tell them not to do it if I'm really badly injured. I think he lets them do it mostly to annoy me in a way a father would with his children. Luckily I knew a way to get them to get off almost immediately.

I had also found out that my suit still worked. Another plus, I grinned under my helmet as I activated my tazer glove. This is the fun part, I slapped him in what I believe was his aft area.

Let's just say that THAT got him off me.

He gave a startled shout and sprang off me like I was molten metal with both servos grasping his aft while I was face down on the ground laughing with my tazer glove still active pounding on the ground. "Hahaha...every...slaggin'...TIME!" I managed to say as I tried to circulate between breathing and laughing while I felt Frenzy's unamusement though the telepathic bond and the glare he was giving me in real life. I finally managed to calm myself after a while and lifted my head up from the ground. Frenzy was still glaring at me but more playfully than before, and he walked over to me to help me get up from the ground.

Sadly my left knee protested to that. Rather loudly too, I gave a pained yelp and nearly fell back down to the ground only for Frenzy to stop me. I felt him scan me, while his scanners wasn't as good as a medics or a scientist it should be able to tell if something was strained or broken. "Sorry Harms, looks like ya broke a bone just below your knee joint. Ya ain't walkin' on that."

I blew out a rather large sigh and sagged back into my brothers arms. "Well that's just fraggin' great. We don't know where or maybe even when we are thanks to Wheeljack's Thingy that blew up. We can't sense Soundwave or our siblings, or any of the other cons anywhere on this planet. And now thanks to Goldbug, I can't Fragging walk. This day just keeps getting better and better." Did I mention that I get a little snappish when I feel useless? No? Well, now you know.

Frenz gave a soothing warble gently rubbed my arms as he supported me. "Don't worry Harms, we'll figure this stuff out in no time, And when we do leave it ta me and I'll get us back to Sounds." Oh great...we're SO DOOMED! I said nothing but I'm sure Frenz sensed my thoughts because he glared at me again.

Limping all the way with Frenzy supporting me the entire way we made it to the highway. While my HUD was offline Frenzy's was still functional and working the entire time. And also even as the cars zoomed by too fast for me to see Frenz could easily scanned them for their information to see where or when EXACTLY we are. "So what's the situation Frenz? Please don't tell me we're in the 40's, I'd rather die than be forced to wear those skirts and dresses that I've seen them wear in that era."

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