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Hello everyone! I'm here with my latest update for NWNF and this chapter will confirm to those who Harmony saved back in the last chapter and which Transformer Universe she and Frenzy had been moved to. This chapter is mostly a recap on what happened on his side after he was saved by Harmony. Anyway, disclaimer on the first chapter and such. Onward with the story!

Three weeks have past since that night on the camping grounds. Frenzy and I have been traveling non-stop since then, or as close to it as we could get anyway. With only my telepathic 'sonar' working properly the only define location that we could tell where we are is that we're somewhere in Nevada. With all this near constant travelling my knee had gotten worse, great, another injury that Knockout would bitch about and replace somethings with Cybertronian tech. Like I didn't have enough of those. Not to mention Frenz was getting low on energon, sure he had a few cubes to sustain himself if he really needed it but they wouldn't last for more than over a week. Basically, we needed to find the cons soon before N.E.S.T does or the Autobots do. Otherwise we are so fragged.

A sudden buzzing noise behind me caught my attention as it grew louder until it was the familiar sound of an high performance engine. Looking over my shoulder though my helmet's black tinted visor I saw a dark silver Solstice with a yellow and black muscle car in a flanking position. Why were they doing that? And now that I think about it why did these cars look so familiar somehow? that symbol on the cars what I think it is?...Aw,Frag...

The link from three weeks ago suddenly was forced open from the other side. This gave me a bit of a headache-which I SO did not need right now- since it was inactive for so long. And if I tried to ignore it the amount of telepathic force he used to open the link it would have caused me some mental harm. 'Finally! Ah've been tryin' ta connect with ya Harms fer weeks! Don't ta worry 'bout Frenzy nah. 'Bee and Ah'll get yah outta there in no time!' Wait...the only way the link would have opened this strongly on his side alone was if...he was...within a few feet from me. That's it, Sideways has better luck than me.

'You're an AUTOBOT?!' "EWWW! Frenzy! There's and Autobot in my head! Get it out,get it out, .OUT!" Feeling my distress and-you are never to tell anyone this-tiny bit of fear leak over both links causing both the mechs I was connected to start to worry. But only one could hear me talk out loud and knew why I had those emotions. Frenzy then used his bond with me to enter my mind and gave a telepathic purge that shattered the unwanted link with the...shiver...Autobot. Hearing the screeching of tires I looked back over my shoulder to see the Solstice had hit its breaks suddenly and nearly swerve off the road. Well, one down, one to go...Now how the hell would we do this?


3rd Person with the Autobots

:::JAZZ! Are you alright?!:::-Bumblebee

:::Imma o.k. 'Bee. Da little Fragger knew I was in Harms head. He destroyed the link.:::-Jazz

:::Scrap, I'll comm Lennox and the others to cut him off before he can escape with her and punish her for not only contacting you but also saving your life.:::-Bumblebee

:::Please 'urry 'Bee. Ah owe Harms mah spark, Ah ain't ta repay her by lettin' the cons do what dey please with 'er.:::-Jazz

:::Don't worry Jazz, we'll save her. No matter what that glitch throws at us.:::-Bumblebee

As the comm link closed the first lieutenant's engine gave a rumble and he quickly began driving again and increased his speed till he nearly pulled in front of the scout. Jazz was a mech that if he owed somebot he would do anything and everything in his power/abilities to repay that debt.

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