Chapter 1:SOTUS Program

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Kongpob POV

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Kongpob POV


Ever since I was a little kid. I knew I wasn't normal. I got a power chosen by fate, the demon slayer magic.
My marking is tattoed right above my forearm. But what's the point of your life being a demon slayer, if ironically, you've been killed by the devil himself?

I woke up with clang of swords and rumbling combat magic bursting at the corner. I got up to see my brother, Trae.
My breath trembled as I was shocked to see right before my very eyes.

Trae had dark red horns sprouting his skull and half of his buttoned-up shirt was torn, showing half of his body was scaled red as well.
"T-That boy is my brother! Don't you dare try to hurt him!"
"Damn you, Trae!" His opponent wasn't Satan himself anymore. He got a cloth mask. Wearing a dented gear necklace around his neck.
"I told you! This is the only way!"
He's from Gear hearts!
The recollection made me scared even more. I was stabbed by Satan's sword in my chest.
I could still taste the thick briny blood. My blood. How come am I still alive? I looked down at my semi-naked body and check for my wounds.
I notice my own marking became crooked X instead of its normal stroke.
When my gaze flicked back to Trae. His opponent stabbed him with Katana.
My brother's head tipped back towards the night sky with his mouth open and then blood began to slide down.
"So, you have to sacrifice your life for your poor little brother?" The guy asked as he pulled the Katana away. He swiped clean the blood of Trae on his armored arms.

He then started to laugh loudly like a psychopath that he got to my nerves.
I flung myself at him.
My boots hit the guy's face. He flew a few steps backward and he regain his momentum. I was panting in anger, gritting my teeth so hard that I might break them.
Sweats damping on my body.
"I'll kill you!" I screamed. But before I could reach the guy. He vanished.
I crashed on the ground. My skin contacts on rough remnants of the building.
That guy used Teleportation magic.
I ran back over to Trae's body. He wasn't moving.
"Trae, hang in there!" I tried to shake him a little bit, I leaned forward rapidly to put my ear on his chest.
He wasn't breathing. My hands started shaking his shoulder. "Trae! Come on! You have to wake up! Trae..."my voice betrayed me. I croaked.
Tears brimming over my eyes, begging for my brother to wake up.
That horrible feeling of anger and pain all came together and bred revenge.
I made a silent prayer. I have to get justice for my brother.


That was the day I made a promise when I'll get to Ravika University. We were passing by the City's beach, the serene blue of the ocean and the cloudy gray sky soothed my welcome to the school.

I've been killing demons every now and then. Funny because it was becoming not just my duty, but my hobby as well.

"You have only one mission, Kong." I snapped out of my thoughts when my dad speaks. Too much overthinking led me not noticing we were already in the university.

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