Chapter 12: Kongpob vs. Arthit

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Kongpob POV.

 I brought May to the infirmary after that hot-headed dismissed us.

May was sitting on the infirmary bed. The school doctor had already checked her temperature and told her that she should rest.

May nodded, but there was something holding her back.

"You can tell me anything, we're friends" I smiled at her.

May bit her lower lip hard. She shoved my arm. "You don't know anything about me, Kong! Are you stupid enough or Maprang, or Prae to be with someone like me? that your friend is-"

She couldn't say that word, her voice weak and frail. Tears flooded down her face. So much pain and anger both molds into her eyes. She hates herself.
Then she walked towards the clinic door. She turned her head sideways at me. "You know nothing about who..." She gave me a cold look. I shuddered. "or what I am"



"Okay, guys today we're going to teach you the basic training for your physical fight." P'Fang said. "When you run out of magic power, sometimes it's better to attack your opponent with punches and kicks. So, before your opponent can have gained control of his magic, you must do everything you can to hit his spot- to inflict possible injury. So aim where you can inflict damage easily; eyes, nose, ears, knees and...groin."

Giggles went past from the first-years. Because we knew that's the weak spot for men.

But I was not clinging at the discussion. P'Fang left us and gave orders to one of the seniors, telling us to sing the engineering theme, it was the part of our warm-up in the physical fight. "Ready?"

M and Tew put their hands around my shoulder as I did the same to them. "Ready" we all replied.

When we sang halfway to the chorus, the door to the gym flung open.

P'Arthit didn't come to our extra sessions yesterday, so the moment he walked in, my eyebrows were already forming to a hard, or I mean....the hardest frown that my forehead hurts.

"STOP!" P'Arthit shouted. "What do you think you're doing? Is this the best you can do? It's not even harmonious!" He trudges toward the other seniors, The man who's in charge swallows his dread. "I'm wondering, who's in charge of this crap?"

"It's me, sir." He responds.

"I want to see how you teach them" P'Arthit said.

The senior faced us. "First years, sit down."

We all flopped down to the floor and watched them sing the engineering theme. Frustrated, P'Arthit rolled his eyes and let out a prolonged exhale. After they sang. "Is this how you sing the song? Well, it's not a surprise why the freshmen can't catch up! Because you guys suck! Keep singing and don't stop until I say so!"

Five minutes have passed and he was making them suffer. Others were sweating and some just kept enduring the pain of moving their body. "It sucks! Do it again!" He shouted.

Once he saw my hand was in the air. Confusion crawled on his face. "Can I have permission to speak?"

"What do you want?" P'Arthit sighed and puts his fist on his hips. 

"May I sing the song on behalf of the seniors?"

"No, you can't!" P'Arthit immediately said. "Sit down, and shut up! We don't need someone here acting a hero."

I went to sat down but he thinks he can stop me now? No way, I will. I'm relentless. "Can I have permission to speak?!" I raised my voice.

"I told you not to." P'Arthit muttered

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