Tainted Heritage - 13

10 0 0

Unknown Place
Unknown Time

His opponent never took his eyes of the board even as he ran back to the table and dropped into his chair, puffing. He didn't say a word but kept the small satisfied grin on his face. His opponent snarled in frustration.

"You seem quite comfortable with the death of your pawns. It's not like your typical charitable attitude."

His smiled broadened as his opponent spoke. "They're not my pawns, Fenric. They are there of their own free will. They chose the sacrifice for the greater good."

Fenric snorted in derision. "Greater good? What do they know of the greater good? They are worms with no knowledge of the universe or how it works. They are there only to be controlled."

His smile fell away and he was suddenly serious. "You're wrong. They may not see the entire picture but they certainly see enough to know that they each play an integral part in their universe."

"Even if that were true," Fenric snarled, "their universe has now irreversibly changed and that is because of you, Doctor. The last time we played the Great Game you thought you had beaten me, thought you had disposed of me! The dimensional rift you cast me into led me to that universe."

The Doctor stared at Fenric, a horrified look on his face.

"That's right, Doctor, because of your actions the Kerensky line was touched by the curse of Fenric. Once I have consumed the power of this universe I will be free to go wherever I choose. Then, Doctor, the Wolves of Fenric will return to claim their prize!"

End of Book Two

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