Cursed Legacy - 1

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Wolf Compound WC-217-Epsilon
Thurston County
North America
27th March, 3052

Ulric Kerensky stood in the reception area of the Nisqually Facility with his hands outstretched. The power of Fenric flowed through him and out of his hands, raising Vlad Ward two feet off the ground. The pressure on Vlad's body was so intense that he couldn't draw in a breath.

With a roar of rage Ulric threw his hands to the right, releasing the power and simultaneously sending Vlad flying against a wall to land in a crumpled heap. Vlad laboured to draw air into his lungs and he slowly struggled to his feet. Terror controlled his expression as he looked upon the man that used to be his Khan. Vlad did not know who this man standing before him was but he was certainly not Ulric Kerensky any longer.

"We will find him, Khan, on my word as a warrior of the Wolves."

Ulric sneered at his words. "A warrior of the Wolves? You are no Wolf of mine; you lost that right when you lost the Doctor. If you ever hope to be a Wolf again, make sure you do find him. If you do not then do not come back."

Vlad bowed his head as he walked out of the building. Last night had been a disaster. As soon as the ComStar forces had been detected the alarm sounded and Vlad had immediately run for his Red Wolf ProtoMech. He should have known it was a diversion, he should have kept more forces at the facility. Instead he had flown into battle with nothing but glory on his mind. That one act had lost him the Doctor, half his command and now his status as a warrior.

What has happened to you, Ulric? What have you become?

That thought kept circling round and around through Vlad's mind. Vlad knew that Ulric had changed but he had no idea of what he was becoming. The man that Vlad used to look up to as a shining example of what it was to be Clan was gone and Vlad was struggling to understand what that meant for Clan Wolf as a whole.

Clan Wolf was the most prestigious of the Clans; chosen as the Clan of the Founder himself. Vlad would not allow the name of his Clan to be sullied. He would find the Doctor and return him to Ulric Kerensky, then he would find a way to restore his Khan to the man that he once knew. The sudden clarity of his vision made Vlad pause for a moment and wonder if he was part Nova Cat but he quickly laughed the thought off.

His path was set so Vlad straightened his shoulders resolutely and trotted to the bay where his ProtoMech was waiting.

Ulric would be angry that Vlad had taken the Red Wolf but it was his best chance to locate the rebels and bring the Doctor back. Despite all that had happened Vlad smiled. He was about to single-handedly save Clan Wolf.

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